What I've Learned After Blogging About The Mob For 10 Years
I wrote this to provide unsolicited, anonymous advice to a single solitary individual, and I believe it worked exactly as intended. (Of course this is certainly not the most effective way to communicate with one person, but it does wonders for a blogger seeking writerly inspiration.) This is another story maybe I'll expound on when I write my memoirs in 30 years.
Do something long enough, you would have to be moronic to not learn a few things from your experience.
The more immediate prompt for writing this: we watched certain YouTubers last night that got us thinking about all sorts of things late into the night. (The "My Blue Heaven" backlash that certain people have steadily [and apparently unknowingly] been begging for arrived a few months back.)
The following is a list of guidelines and beliefs that we've accumulated from everything we experienced blogging. It is geared to what we're trying to do here. Also, like most posts we publish here, this is mainly for us, but we're happy to share it. Just understand that this list isn’t carved in stone — it can and will be updated.
Another reason you're not hot shit: some turncoats will literally talk to ANYONE, as long as the interviewer has a cellphone--and plans to put audio and video of the interview somewhere online. This is because it has NOTHING to do with you or the truth and EVERYTHING to do with the size of their ego.
Always include context, background
Facts (like some of the items listed here) can be contradictory
I’ll take rational violence over the irrational kind any day of the week
Don’t block anyone ever — but block comments that include unnecessary or excessive profanity or that are racist or libelous
Give people the benefit of the doubt unless they don’t deserve it
Facts are facts are facts; they don’t evolve, they don’t change over time, not even slightly, they are very stubborn things and they are what they are
NO you DON'T know who made that anonymous comment though you think you do
Anyone can be full of shit
Because of the layout you have to run at least one picture in every story even if you don’t want to
Every source has a motive — and it’s not always to tell the truth
The Mafia is very, very different. It's not only about content creation and expanding into an ebook.
Don't seek to profit from or exploit the pain and misery of others, and if you do, never forget it
The truth will almost always cause someone pain but it has to be told, always
There's more than one side to every story
Just because wiseguys in a case are indicted and arrested and sentenced to prison, it doesn't mean they are necessarily guilty
Don't believe someone just because you want to or because it's profitable to or convenient
If you put yourself out there, you better have a reason you can explain in detail
You don't/can't threaten me
The Mafia is a criminal enterprise built on the idea: do this or we'll break your legs or snatch your life. That undergirds EVERYTHING.
Admit mistakes
Saying something a thousand-and-one times doesn't magically transform it into the truth if it wasn't true in the first place
You are allowed to change your mind
Someone may be attacking you because they have a good reason
Legitimate critics help you more than your friend who tells you how great you are
The Feds can be wrong and full of shit too — and immoral, especially when they oppose certain compassionate release filings
Protect the innocent with everything you have
Every story an ex-wiseguy tells isn't inherently fascinating, no matter how many times he tells it
If you start believing your own press clippings, friend, then your downfall has probably begun
Loyalty has to be a two-way street and if it isn't, it ain't loyalty
Ok you did help me, but I helped you too, so STFU
When you’re writing about someone being murdered, remember YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT SOMEONE BEING MURDERED
I admire some wiseguys for their courage and confidence and wit
Don't do anything that will keep you up at night, unless it is deliberate and the right thing to do
Don't defend a source but definitely defend the truth
Be very careful how you use Wikipedia, even if you’re only seeking a basic fact like a date. Wikipedia relies partly on old news reports, and sometimes the wiki writer doesn’t read the source article all the way through or doesn’t know some facts are outdated. Or he/she misunderstands something. Wikipedia offers an invaluable public service nevertheless— mostly because of the footnotes, some of which are pure gold.
Don't mock someone just because they flipped
Remember: without turncoats and law enforcement and surveillance and courts and prisons we wouldn't know jack shit about the mob and the mob would've expanded enormously and be an unstoppable criminal force today that could take control of the government including at the state or federal level
People will lie for all kinds of reasons, including illogical ones
Some people just want to watch the world burn —defeat those people
Everyone has an angel and a demon somewhere inside them
I admire some wiseguys who refused to flip and went to prison for life or were willing to
My respect for and belief in objective truth extends to my personal life. I am vaccinated, that means. I do not support Donald Trump or the Republican party, that means (and I am a registered Republican).
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