Book "Lanza's Mob" a Myth-Shattering Landmark Work About Bay City Boss
Click image of book cover to purchase. James "Jimmy the Hat" Lanza , one of the most successful mob bosses you've never heard of, is brought to vivid life in Lanza's Mob: The Mafia and San Francisco, written by Christina Ann-Marie DiEdoardo, Esq., a criminal defense lawyer from the Bay Area originally from Queens, New York. Lanza's Mob, the first detailed biography of Jimmy the Hat is a solid, well-researched addition to the Mafia library. The book, however, details much more than Lanza and his crime family. It provides an insightful history of San Francisco itself, as well its colorful, evolving underworld, initially populated by the Barbary Pirates . The book includes an overview of the formation of the Mafia in Sicily and in America, as well as how and when it first planted roots in the Bay City. Written in a wry, witty highly absorbing voice, the book is rock-solid in terms of its scholarship, which traces the Lanza family's r