Mob Wives Star Majewski Slams Danielle Staub

From All About The Real Housewives:

Love Majewski will star in Mob Wives season 3 and recently slammed former RHONJ star Danielle Staub via twitter! VH1 quoted Love for saying, “You’re either gonna love me or hate me, there’s no in between.” That’s when a viewer responded and said, “that sounds like what Danielle said on Real Housewives of New Jersey.”

Danielle then got involved writing, “I’m flattered to be quoted! Thank you xoxoxo!”

LOL. I can’t contain myself right now. Love wasn’t having it and slammed Danielle responding, “Ain’t nobody quoted yo dusty ass and u was just hated period. #THIRSTY tryin to come on my TL [timeline] #Beat it!”

LOL still laughing. Oh Danielle the Delusional Staub! Do you think Love copied Danielle or is that just a normal saying?
