Happy New Year's Eve!!!

Instead of a hot little number blowing my readers a kiss to go along with my wish for a great 2012 to all my readers, friends and even enemies, I thought I'd offer you all something of more practical value. So... From Reuters : 63 TV Marathons for New Year's Eve Weekend : "Two days of Snooki and The Situation, family drama of both the old-fashioned ("The Waltons") and mobster ("The Sopranos") varieties, "Real Housewives" of every location, and every episode "The Walking Dead" are but a few of the 63 TV marathons awaiting you and your hangover, er, post-NYE celebration fatigue, this holiday weekend." Check out the schedule at the hyperlink -- you'll have something to glance at while your New Year's Eve headache throbs like it'll pop your eyes out your head! Alright, I'll include a pic, too... Drita! Greg Antonacci Also, a shout out to Greg Antonacci -- who, in addition to writing, producing and d...