The Worst Card in the Deck

Masseria murder scene; note the ace of apades -- fate or fiction? Joe "The Boss" mugshot. The New York Times FYI section is running an interesting Q&A today, titled "Coney Island’s Big Hit" -- and we are glad the writer noted that the card more than likely was slipped into the dead mob boss's hand by an enterprising photographer -- just like an enterprising cop may have slipped the famous cigar into a dead Carmine Galante's mouth....But it's kind of funny that the Masseria killing created the fear of the ace of spades -- considered the "death card" by Mafiosi and others -- when all along it may have been manufactured rather than an act of fate. Also our good friend/mentor Sonny Girard in his comment below has reminded us that Lucky Luciano used all-Jewish shooters for the Masseria hit, most likely because Joe The Boss, who had a knack for escaping assassination attempts, would be unlikely to recognize Jewish gunmen. Anyway, ...