Bonanno Boss's Prison Letters Kick Off Second Dominick Cicale Forum
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"Mikey Nose" |
(Commenced 11am, Saturday, Jan. 10)...
We can thank Michael "Mikey Nose" Mancuso for our starting point....
I don't think any other blog or news organization on the planet has ever gotten such direct insight from the man widely considered to be the official boss of the Bonanno family.
The Nose is from the Bronx, where Vincent "Vinny Gorgeous" Basciano, either former acting boss or current official boss, hailed from.
I don't think any other blog or news organization on the planet has ever gotten such direct insight from the man widely considered to be the official boss of the Bonanno family.
The Nose is from the Bronx, where Vincent "Vinny Gorgeous" Basciano, either former acting boss or current official boss, hailed from.
We're certain an interview with Mikey Nose won't be forthcoming, even in 2020, when he's slated for release.
Someone posted letters handwritten by Mancuso from his prison cell in which he used a variety of adjectives to refer to Dominick (including lowlife, dumbbell, lying fuck, etc.)
The issue is: Who wanted to kill Mikey Nose? Was it Dominick Cicale and/or Vincent "Vinny B" Basciano? Mancuso seems to want to believe it was not Basciano... (It's intriguing that the Nose would even doubt Vinny's word over Dominick's in the first place.)
Here are the letters; much thanks to whomever posted them....(click on each page to enlarge)....
If you read our ebook, you know where Dominick stands on the situation.
From Inside the Last Great Mafia Empire
From Inside the Last Great Mafia Empire
“What a fucking punk," Dominick says in the book, referring to Michael Nose's decision to not show up as a backup shooter for a certain hit.
"That alone could have easily gotten the ‘Nose’ killed, but Fat Patty loved Michael and saved his ass ..."
Continuing, Cicale said, “Mikey Nose was always a punk. How could a made man walk around the neighborhood strutting his shit and say hello to the man who murdered his own father? ”
Cicale was referring to old claims that Mancuso’s father was gunned down by a Bronx street thug who “everyone knew.”
Mancuso’s father, Cicale related, “was with Arnold “Zeke” Squitieri and Alfonse “Funzi” Sisca, Gambino associates at the time, when Mancuso’s father met his demise. The three had been partying one night, drinking and sniffing cocaine. What great pals [Zeke and Funzi were]… They watch their friend get killed and didn’t do a fucking thing about it…Two more fucking punks.”
Cicale recalled that Mancuso had a tendency to become scarce when “heavy lifting” had to be done. “Mikey always made some type of lame excuse when called upon to help with a piece of work. He’d say: ‘There's too many people around’ or ‘I don't know where he lives.’”....
Dom is going to offer us the initial comment to get things rolling....
Gets a break like that wins a 1.8 mill settlement and latter gets Jammed up again talk about a guy who.s a gluttony for punishment. U reap what u sow cuz. Philly
ReplyDeleteI said it before and ill say it again most of these guys arent the sharpest tools in the shed some are good at intimidation others at pulling a trigger on orders. Most of them ride coat tails and cant think for themselves there biggest claim to fame doing a strectch in the Joint. I.ll do time if i fuck up but im not doing time for idiots in my crew or Boss or Jesus christ himself period. I.ll take my chances on the street let the chips fall where they may but thats why its better today to be a associate u kick up still do ur own thing make good money stay clear of the ones who wanna be made or noticed u.ll be ok. If ur good at what u do they.ll come to u. But the idea is to stay under the radar just saying most of u wont agree with that theory gameim still here. Food for thought. Any way im not good at taking orders anyway especialy from people i have no respect for just dont have the patience to play the game.
ReplyDeleteYou think that's something funny or something to brag about, watching someone's Father get abused or spit at? That's a disgrace to abuse someone's Father who had nothing to do with his sons decisions. I'll tell you what, they wouldn't have done it in front of me, but they obviously did it in front of you, which tells me that you obviously are what you sound like...A MUTT!!!
ReplyDeleteIf the father is sticking up for the son he's a rat also, talk about mutt your on here sticking up for a rat family, look at all the people he hurt and put away, all the kids that had nothing to do w anything now missing their fathers, u rat sympathizer. Y don't u pick apart all the lies he writes instead of sticking up for a family wrecking snitch.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Ed if possible can u transfer these comments i made to ur que and answer forum or just have Dom or ur self read them curious of ur thoughts on my opinions thanks philly.
ReplyDeleteGiants 859 • 13 hours ago
ReplyDeleteEvery thing he's says is a Lie. People ask him how is it for a wise guy to do time. What does he know. His first pinch he was a nobody and this last one he's in the rat wing of the prison. U say ur not hiding. Lol then where do u live big shot. Not a threat just calling this garbage pail out on his lies.
Giants 857 hearsay214 • 2 hours ago
ReplyDeleteIf the father is sticking up for the son he's a rat also, talk about mutt your on here sticking up for a rat family, look at all the people he hurt and put away, all the kids that had nothing to do w anything now missing their fathers, u rat sympathizer. Y don't u pick apart all the lies he writes instead of sticking up for a family wrecking snitch.
hearsay214 Giants 858 • 4 hours ago
ReplyDeleteYou think that's something funny or something to brag about, watching someone's Father get abused or spit at? That's a disgrace to abuse someone's Father who had nothing to do with his sons decisions. I'll tell you what, they wouldn't have done it in front of me, but they obviously did it in front of you, which tells me that you obviously are what you sound like...A MUTT!!!
Giants 858 • 13 hours ago
ReplyDeleteOo yea also ask him how it feels that his dad got abused and spit at in jail cause he couldn't be a man and do his time. Lol
anonymous • 8 hours ago
ReplyDeleteI said it before and ill say it again most of these guys arent the sharpest tools in the shed some are good at intimidation others at pulling a trigger on orders. Most of them ride coat tails and cant think for themselves there biggest claim to fame doing a strectch in the Joint. I.ll do time if i fuck up but im not doing time for idiots in my crew or Boss or Jesus christ himself period. I.ll take my chances on the street let the chips fall where they may. But thats why its better today to be an associate today u kick up still do ur own thing make good money stay clear of the ones who wanna be made or noticed u.ll be ok. If ur good at what u do they.ll come to u. But the idea is to stay under the radar just saying most of u wont agree with that theory but then again im still here. Food for thought. Any way im not good at taking orders specially from people i have no respect for and know sooner or latter one of us gotta go not worth the headaches specially if the idiot is a nephew or cousin or god child of a connected guy. He.s gonna have more leverage than me because im the outsider therefore his word is golden over mine. Better to stay clear of the bullshit. just dont have the patience to play the game. Don.t know Dom if u agree with that or not. Its worked for me though. Philly
Just transferred all of them, Philly..
ReplyDeleteSo let's here more lies from mrs DC I still want to here about how u feel about all the fathers u took away from there children the lifes u ruined by telling lies just Amit that u didn't want to go spend the rest of ur life in jail and go away
ReplyDeleteHouse mouse computer tough guys 857 858 859 very bitter im sure u have a lot of time to contemplate ur outcome anymore than ten yrs no matter your status somebody else is running the show maybe even using ur name to throw the feds off putting a little in the commisary for u. After u do ur twenty strectch u come out u want back in the game but one problem ur a liability no matter how loyal u are if u stir shit u need to go. The guys u were loyal to are either dead or doing life anyway then u ask urself was it all worth it let us know the answer when u get out. The young guys today can care less about u another position opens and the vycle continues with the same results Jail or Dead. The Carlo Gambino.s and the Joe Bonanno days are over even they would.nt survive today with the technolgy the Gov has it.s over except for gambling loansharking and prostitution when everybody in New Yirk is stumbling over the same nickle thats when the shit hits the fan.Philly
ReplyDeleteThat's not what I heard... Actually Vinny, YES VINNY made sure no one did anything to my father....
ReplyDeleteMy father was never a father but he was a street guy even though he was hook on drugs. A fact, I have close to 20 years in jails.... Loyalty is a two way street...
ReplyDeleteAnyone here belong to Gangster BB or Black Hand or Real Deal Forums? If you can, please sign in to the boards and invite them here?
ReplyDeleteI have to say not a lot of people in Dom's shoes would willingly subject himself to potentially widescale abuse... I honestly don't know why he does it... I've tried to talk him out of it! It was his idea for me to post Nose's letters and use them as a starting point for this Cicale forum... His idea to leave up all comments no matter how bad or ridiculous... I finally got it; I do leave all comments up. Everyone should have a voice even if it disagrees with you exponentially, to put it one way....
ReplyDeleteReally Dave how many fathers and friends did they clip are u for real if ur mad at Dom because he became an informant fine These guys destroyed there own families when they chose crime and yrying to beat the system like u instead of getting a J.O.B.They fucked themselves and there own families and anyone who thinks any different is a stone JERKOFF like ur self. Life is choices u makem and live with them that.s whats wrong with Society today everbody blames somebody for there mistakes. U have to be responsible for ur actions thats why ur ass will eventually end up back in the Joint because u Just dont get it ur a fuck up. Quit blaming others Dave and really look in the mirror and see the life u lead and tell me thats were u want that kid seated next u to be in twenty yrs and if the answers yes do him and ur self a favor and put a bullet in his head and urs. And if the answer is no then move on with ur stupid comments and start showing that kid direction today. Philly
ReplyDeleteDOM, how come you and Nose didn't get along? I feel like maybe there's more to this mutual "dislike" of each other... I mean as we wrote, you wanted to usurp him... I'm curious if Vinny B perceived this rivalry and when arrested, he purposely tried to play you two against each other...
ReplyDeleteThank you... My father was always able to handle himself. Even when he was transferred to Fort Dix someone in the Bonanno crime family started talking shit. That person was check HARD to shut his month by a Crime boss from a different family. I will not blow up that crime boss for the love I have for him till this day, but I will say this... THANK YOU!!!!
ReplyDeleteCome on please.... At least have some sense, I did close to 20 years in jails. Doing time is easy, but when your so called brothers are robbing everything because of their greed then all bets are off.
ReplyDeleteI will say this, I do not like what I did but I am not running from my actions...
ReplyDeletePlease, if you are going to post be a man... Stoping talking tuff behind door...
YES I RATTED!!!! Get over it.... I would bet all the money in the world if we were face to face you would never say shit... JUST SAYING....
Exactly Ed... That's the way it should be... Always kept it real... Even as a RAT... But remember this, I'M NOT A PUNK!!! Take that to the bank.... But even is entitled to their opinion... I DO RESPECT THAT....
ReplyDeleteYES David, I will start with, I how you had a wonderful holiday season... Now with that said, grow up tough guy... You are acting like a punk in your room behind your computer keys.
ReplyDeleteI am not looking to fight just looking to educate people on the street life, how fake it really is...
WOW... You have no clue. My father never stuck up for me in my entire life especially when I cooperated. So please get your fact straight...
ReplyDeleteMy father did not speak or look to speak with me for years and just before he passed we finally passed and made peace with one another....
Philly, I agree 1000%
ReplyDeleteVinny was my mentor, but I was always my own man. Guys like Michael nose??? I will leave it at this.... A BOSS... Look at his letters... need I say more....
I am sure our paths will cross one day. I could understand people being sore with my decision, I had two different crime bosses send word that they could never forgive me, but they understood and I did not have to worry about anyone in their families coming for me... My only concern is the computer tough guys... lol
ReplyDeleteDom did you get along with Johnny Joe?
ReplyDeleteI love Johnny Joe.... Actually I was hanging with him when I was a teen. We did a lot of shit, calling it, MISSION OF god...
ReplyDeleteGreat man.... And now he would try to kill me in a heartbeat, but I respect that....
I just want to know one more thing. Who bought u that suit and tie it had to be one of your FBI handlers you tort how to play gin durning your DEBRIEFING lies all lies I came on this site as me nothing to hide my opinion is my opinion those who don't like it must be a rat to u stick up for a rat u are a rat. I'm out shout out to all those doing there time like men.wooden ships and iron men
ReplyDeleteMission of God?
ReplyDeleteDid you teach FBI agents how to play gin?? is that true?? Surprised they wouldn't know how to play a simple card game! LOL! You shoulda played poker and took all their cash....
ReplyDeleteDC, hope ur well. I notice more and more guys ditching witness protection and going it on their own. Some even staying close to new york which I believe you are doing. When you were in the life was there any talk of actually trying to find turncoats or do the guys on the street not care. How does this sit with the guys doing life??
I happen to love that suite and tie... Love you too TOUGH GUY!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sign off....
YES, that what we would say when we were looking to hurt someone.... Mission of god...
ReplyDeleteYeah he has quite a rep in our neighborhood since he was a kid, always liked him too......take care
ReplyDeleteNa, I hate to say this, but all the FBI agents I dealt with are great guys just doing their jobs. Now, some of the prosecutors are a different story....
ReplyDeleteAJ, you as well...
ReplyDeleteWell if ur lucky Dave the computer tough guy and u look like a 4 leaf clover u shout out long enough may be u and ur boys will be reunited in the cell block soon. As far as ur opinion dave u have every right to one. But if u gonna repeat the same shit each wk and hide behind a computer with ur wooden ships and iron men thoughts what that say of u Dave. Unless u lived this life and i don.t think u have u look like a ex druggie and a drunk but thats just my opinion toDave and if u ment me with ur jail house tats and wise mouth you would have a problem and im no jail bird or a tuff guy just a person who helps people get there minds right sort of like a street therapist dave just my opinion got it cuz.philly
ReplyDeleteDominick, what is your opinion on Al D'Arco?
ReplyDeletewhich one?
ReplyDeleteOh I think I know....
ReplyDeleteanon InNYC • a day ago
ReplyDeleteWow Mancuso can't even spell innocent right.
anonymous Giants 859 • 2 hours ago
ReplyDeleteHouse mouse computer tough guys 857 858 859 very bitter im sure u have a lot of time to contemplate ur outcome anymore than ten yrs no matter your status somebody else is running the show maybe even using ur name to throw the feds off putting a little in the commisary for u. After u do ur twenty strectch u come out u want back in the game but one problem ur a liability no matter how loyal u were if u stir shit u need to go. The guys u were loyal to are either dead or doing life anyway then u ask urself was it all worth it let us know the answer when u get out. The young guys today can care less about u another position opens when ur picked up and the cycle continues with the same results Jail or Dead. The Carlo Gambino.s and the Joe Bonanno days are over even they would.nt survive today with the technolgy the Gov has it.s over except for gambling loansharking and prostitution and when everybody in New York is stumbling over the same nickle thats when the shit hits the fan.Philly
Listen sissy Mary....If you haven't noticed that bullshit wooden ship line hasn't impressed anyone, you've wrote it about fifty times and I read you like a billboard, you're a candy store tough guy who couldn't stab a roast beef, you make threats on the computer for one're a faker because anybody that's for real don't talk...they do!!!....Period! So save your tough guy talk for your boyfriend..because everybody can see, you're a yellow dog!
ReplyDeleteHey, y do u answer questions on how it's like for a wise guy to do time,in ur first pinch u were a nobody and this last one ur in the rat wing of the prison so what do u know,also I asked this on another page does it hurt ur feeling ur dad got abused in mcc cause u wouldn't do ur time like a man,.
ReplyDeleteInteresting email I got from someone who knows a bit about handwriting analysis who read Mikey Nose's letters....
ReplyDelete"So much can be seen in [his letter]. I can tell you from looking at the cursive letter that he had a good relationship with his mother and his father was probably gone a lot, virtually non-existent....[a rule of thumb]: if your name is written the same size as the signature of the person addressing you, they hold you equally in regard to themselves. If your name is larger, they hold you in higher regard. If your name is smaller, well, they think less of you. Analysis is mostly form with some context that's important."
For those of you whom read Michael Nose's letters... It is a complete joke and a total embarrassment!!! A boss writing about who he is having sex with, that he never told me "Dom" to go ahead with the Randy hit, and someone should of kicked my ass. Why didn't Michael kick my ass himself? I will tell you why he was too afraid of me. I confronted Michael and all he did was back down never said a word, lifted a hand, or asked anyone to kill me if he did I am still here writing. Michael was just a common drug addict so much so that he shot his own wife then dumped her lifeless body in the street outside the hospital emergency room. Michael is lucky to be alive as I had set up to kill him, but to his luck I was arrested two weeks prior to Michael's hit....
ReplyDeleteI will end on this note: I would rather be a rat over and over than to have had to answer to Michael then or now. Just for the record I have remorse with the choice I made of being a rat, but I know and so did the family that loyalty was a two way street.
I had a boss can.t go in to details so i get it Dom lived it and still do my own thing on a smaller scale but i hate the person who has a opinion and dont have a clue about the bussiness and deceitfullness that goes on everday its a chess match and at any moment u can be check mated. Not a fay goes by stand or not in this bussiness that today could be your last day when u get up just for ur association and the common folks and common ass hole criminal hasnt got a clue.Philly
ReplyDeleteWhat do u mean u ratted get over it. No what u did was take men away from their wives kids and grand kids, u are the new Henry hill, can't get attention in the old neighborhood so now u act like a big shot to these clowns that stick up for a rat on the computer.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree what I did nor with Al did by cooperating. I never met the man, so I can not say.
ReplyDeleteDavid Jazewski did you fall asleep during English class? Every point you are trying to make just look more ridiculous than they already are due to your spelling alone. Nobody is taking you seriously.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't of said it better.... Completely agree...
ReplyDeleteWhat type of relationship did you and VB have with the Gambinos and Genovese families?
ReplyDeleteHouse mouse computer tough guy 857 858 859
ReplyDeleteOk METS 907, sorry you prefer I was still in killing people... Smarten up...
ReplyDeleteTaking care of business... Be back in a few to answer some questions.
ReplyDeleteHe just left for a few, but I know Big Ernie was his initial mentor, guy from the Genovese family. He was on track with the Genovese family -- but then he met Bruno Indelicato in the joint and hooked up with Vinny B.... He was also close to Quiet Dom Cirillo... I know he knew Zeke and Funzi in the Gambinos, not sure who else but he'll answer I am sure when he comes back....
ReplyDeleteFirst, I need to clarify something on this forum, the comment by [anon InNYC • a day ago "Wow Mancuso can't even spell innocent right."] is NOT me. I guess I should have used another ID. Mine is simply "InNYC".
ReplyDeleteMoving on, QUESTION for DOMINICK CICALE:
From time to time, I made certain references to former Bonanno Boss, Joseph Massino, sometimes calling him "Fat Rat Joey". Mancuso would sometimes defend him. In the letter attached, he say's he's his "pal" and says "I know why you call him Fat Rat Joey He's my pal. Only one that calls him that." I think he meant to say, "I DON'T know why you call him that...
Q1: Was MANCUSO really close to JOSEPH MASSINO, closer to him than he was to ViINNY BASCIANO?
MANCUSO'S closest friends were/are former Underboss, NICHOLAS "NICKY MOUTH" SANTORA and TOMMY aka "TOMMY GARBAGE".
Q2: Is "TOMMY GARBAGE" a "civilian" and Mancuso used to refer to him, meaning "not in the life" as Mancuso has said. Mancuso and Tommy grew up together since kids in East Harlem before both moved to the Bronx.
Is it truly possible for two high profile mobsters to enjoy a mutually beneficial, positive, casual social relationship with each other e.g. watching sports, talking about family, going to barbecues or does mob politics and money always override and overshadow these things? Like for most mobsters, would they enjoy their closest relationships with people not in the life and keep relationships with fellow mobsters strictly business? You know what they say "keep your friends close and enemies closer". There are no true friends in that life. Everyone looks out for their own ends.
ReplyDeleteDon't know what that meant anyway, I'm smart enough to never embarrass my family and have them feel the least bit uncomfortable cause I made a thousand excuses to rat and not man up, they robbed me not loyal. Blah blah. Ur a big shot, u know 99 per of what ur saying about other people here is made up but whatever gets u threw the day garbage can. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI know for a FACT that Basciano played them against eachother. Vinny ALWAYS tried to do that, not just with Cicale and Mancuso. He did that during his trials, playing people against others within his defense team in order to get one to "go after" the other and side with him. It was all BS on Basciano's part.
ReplyDeleteDominick, can you clarify what you mean by this? "I will leave it at this.... A BOSS... Look at his letters"
ReplyDeleteI'm not clear on what you mean. Thanx.
thank u hearsay thought it was just me .philly
ReplyDeleteTHEN they would've charged him with "illegal gambling" LOL
ReplyDeleteDave, where in the hell are you from? We all know you were in prison and live in Brooklyn but OMG! You sound like you're from "Dog Patch" or the Appalachians son! Stop with the nonsense, I can almost "hear" a hillbilly accent when you comment. You have nothing intelligent to contribute on here so why don't you stay off! Besides, you're just using up space. Go rant on an "Obama" forum!
ReplyDeleteWhen you say Mancuso was a drug addict...What drug specifically?
ReplyDeleteYour trying to educate people I don't no about them but how can a fraud educate any one I'm just asking
ReplyDeleteMay be u can shut comments down ed for 15 minutes till he can catch up eformat this format. Philly
ReplyDeleteJust like Big Joey.... Probably just like all mob guy! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna call him -- see what's up...
ReplyDeleteYeah, I am frankly sick of hearing the same shit over and over and over again.... ;-)
ReplyDeleteDom has stuff to do -- he will be back around 2:15... I think him and David are having a fistfight in his front yard.... sorry, but he has been on here since around 11am this morning -- but he will be back!!!
ReplyDeleteForgot to add the envelope that goes with that letter, sorry.
ReplyDeleteVinny was my brother and best friend until he gave me a order to testify at our trial. The Genovese crime family I was extremely close especially with the people that were in charge. The Gambino's I knew the quite well and their current official boss was a junkie when he was younger.
ReplyDeleteScott Fappiano is one of the biggest pieces of shit on the face of the earth,. He use to turn young kids on to drugs, he also would beat woman up, his uncle Frankie Decicco hated him. He is the lowest form of life there is. Hopefully he over doses or gets killed before he rapes another woman and gets away with it. .
ReplyDeleteCocaine & her ion when he was younger. From 2000 on I don't believe he was using any drugs.
ReplyDeleteThanks... u posted the letters? Fantastic, please keep em coming!!
ReplyDeleteThe two Crime families are definitely rebuilding, but I have to say that the Bonanno's still have power.
ReplyDeleteBefore I cooperated Vinny Basciano was the official Boss and Michael was his acting. Michael went overnight from a solider to acting boss, but I strongly feel that as guys come home from jail they will look to take over, so watch out.
Your right, I will disregard that Knuckleheads questions.
ReplyDeleteNo dave they fucked up ended up in the system because there fuck ups dave nothing more nothing less choices dave life is choices u should know that i dont even know u and know ur the Poster Child for fuck ups nobodys taking sides he knows what he did and lives with it doesnt effect u or me. It.s a forum to talk about the life of a ex mob guy who people are interested in. Not liquor hold up house robbing junkie drunk who brings nothing to the table but rotted wooden ships Rusted old steel and storys of how u use to fuck little boys in jail or get fucked in jail thats already common knowledge but keep talkin shit u got one foot in the door and on ur way back soon. Have another drink of irish mist or maybe u like to wet ur whistle with the spike tonite u remember them days don.t and trip to the moon gonna send u away dave bring back make memories u classless big.philly
ReplyDeleteRizztuo did not agree or liked what happened to George, but Rizztuo was still following direction, sending money down every month and at Christmas time.
ReplyDeleteDom, just curious. ...after what you have seen go down with Rizzuto in canada, if he told Vinny to stick it, would vinny or any bonanno boss really been able to do anything about it?
ReplyDeleteThat's true.... I have Vinny and the rest of the Bonanno's back 1000% and was ready to do a life sentence. But after Vinny ordered me to testify at our trial and Vinny, Michael and many more of my brother's rob me out of 7 millions dollars, I decided to do the unthinkable.
ReplyDeleteNo not at all, Vinny was with Joe every week, something a couple a times a week. Mancuso never went to see Joe, matter a fact, Joe was upset with Vinny when Vinny made Michael Nose acting under boss.
ReplyDeleteAgain, Michael has just met Nicky when Vinny elevated the two men. Nicky is a theif and big mouth but he will kill you. Nicky had the nerve to collect $6,000 that was owed to me while I was arrested then sent me only $2,000 informing me that he need the money....
I am not making excuses, but only explaining why I decided tpo turn my life around. God has got me through everything and believing in second chances in life.
ReplyDeleteNo matter, I still hear, living with my choices in life.
ReplyDeleteGood one... Lol
ReplyDeleteA Crime Boss carrying on just do your time. Michael forgets he told me to go ahead and have Randy killed.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, but I was will to do life until everyone screwed me over. REMEMBER... My entire case was based on Vinny's big mouth... The government never had a clue...
ReplyDeleteNo Ed, Michael would pick his battles and raise his hands to people he knew would not bust a grape. I did and do not like bullies. Especially when his father's killer is walking the streets of the Bronx and Michael even says hello to the guy.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I need to clarify something on this forum, the comment by [anon InNYC • a day ago "Wow Mancuso can't even spell innocent
ReplyDeleteright."] is NOT me. I guess I should have used another ID. Mine is simply "InNYC".
From time to time, I made certain references to former Bonanno Boss, Joseph Massino, sometimes calling him "Fat Rat Joey". Mancuso would sometimes defend him. In the letter attached, he say's he's his "pal" and says "I know why you call him Fat Rat Joey He's my pal. Only one that calls him that." I think he meant to say, "I DON'T know why you call him that...
Next, NICHOLAS SANTORA has a cousin in Middle Village (Genovese) whose father was a high-ranking guy in the Genovese family, murdered in '78. The murder had been setup by the nephew, JAMES DELIO, SR. aka "JAMESIE". As a result, James
was murdered. The older Genovese guy's son participated in the plot and disappeared while Delio was hit. In another incident, the same guy in Middle Village was stabbed and lost use of his right arm around same time (3 decades ago). About 2 weeks later, the stabber, a Puerto Rican guy associated with the Genovese family was murdered. SANTORA once made reference to the guy being buried in Middle Village on 75th Street under a pool. A comment he later modified, then again altogether retracted.
Q1: Was MANCUSO really close to JOSEPH MASSINO, closer to
him than he was to ViINNY BASCIANO?
MANCUSO'S closest friends were/are former Underboss, NICHOLAS "NICKY MOUTH" SANTORA and TOMMY aka TOMMY
Q2: Is "TOMMY GARBAGE" a "civilian" as Mancuso used to refer to him, meaning "not in the life" as Mancuso has said. Mancuso and Tommy grew up together since kids in East Harlem before both moved to the Bronx.
Q3: Do you know anything about the 2 Genovese murders and;
Q3(a) Is there any truth to the Puerto Rican guy being buried under a pool in Middle Village?
In all fairness Vinny never did that with Michael and myself. Vinny actually tried to have us get along, but I was not going to bend for Michael. I knew and know what he's about.
ReplyDeleteNow Vinny did play people against one another while we were locked up, even ordering me to testify.
Actually, before I cooperated Vinny sent Sal the Iron worker up there to collect the Christmas money and Vito paid.
ReplyDeleteNow if Vinny was on the street, Vinny is the type to go to Canada and take out Vito but as for the other's they do not have the balls to do so.
Sure thing, MORE TO COME: I'll be posting more on the subject of Cicale, straight from the pens of Michael Mancuso and former Bonanno Underboss' Nicholas "Nicky Mouth" Santora. We'll see what Nicky had to say...
ReplyDeleteI didnt read the book Dom so once u went in the joint that.s when the bullshit started or was it starting before u went in
ReplyDeleteAny response on Q2, Q3(a)? Dominick, feel free to at any time tell me you prefer not to comment. Thx.
ReplyDeleteIt started when Vinny was arrested, but I was ok with it. When I was arrested that's when everyone was taking everything.
ReplyDeleteAlso u say when came time to do a piece if work mike always tried to wiggle out I know how my guy did things but did u get to pick who goes or did the boss say who he wanted i understand if u dont answer question
ReplyDeleteSo if u make a move on the acting boss while ur out eith ur crew couldthis of been prevemted or would that be a desth sentence
ReplyDeleteI actually had the green light from Vinny. If I didn't YES it can be a death sentence. Remember, I had a powerful crew.
ReplyDeleteDom - any interaction with Anthony Frascone, Vito Badamo or Ernie Aiello? Aiello was said by Capeci to be an up and comer. Also, any thoughts who would be a better candidate for boss in the nearby future - someone who could nudge Mancuso / DiFiore etc to the side and run with it like Massino did?
ReplyDeleteOf course the Boss can order a specific person, but usually the boss will give the work to one of his Captains and then that person will give it to he feels is best fit.
ReplyDeleteDom, thanks for the reply. Excellent Q & A session today,except for the individual who continues to muddy the water. Anyway, what is your opinion on the current situation in Canada that has occurred over the last 4 or 5 years. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteAnthony & Vito are not quality guys and I will keep it at that. Ernie, I do not know.
ReplyDeleteAs for Mancuso, I think Louie would be a perfect fit, but he is way too sharp to put that target on his back.
At least they had the balls to clean house, but I feel now Canada is beating its own drum. More power to them...
ReplyDeleteLouie Ha Ha you mean?
ReplyDeleteWell i hope u dont second guess ur self for not taking him out and thanks for answering my questions. A lot of common folk dont understand what goes on behind the seens i hope them questions help them understand some of what go.s on .thank u for answering ques Dom philly
ReplyDeletewhat the heck is wrong with this? I signed in and it puts me as "Guest" above WTF! That's MY posting with the questions and photos...don't know what's happening here (user error?)
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Genovese murders of James Delio, Sr. and the Puerto Rican guy - the person responsible lives in the big house on the corner of Eliot Ave in Middle Village, white picket fence. Do you know anything about it and was Nicky Santora telling the truth about the "pool".
ReplyDeleteWord is on the street that Anthony Chicchetti south Brooklyn boss the real one, and SKINNY JOEY MERLINO ARE gonna be united. A power house. Soon as Joey is released.
ReplyDeleteNo.. Even though I can not stand Michael Nose, I am glad I did not get the chance to act and take him out. I am in a better place these days.
ReplyDeleteI am sure once he is released someone else will.
Thank you
As always Ed and Dom Great Job with this format and good questions by ur readers wish u the best stay safe gonna start dinner and watch the games carolina to cover and Baltimore outright lol enjoy philly
ReplyDeleteCould you describe your making ceremony?? Did Fat Rat prick ur finger?? Who else got made?? How was the party afterwards?? Was it the proudest moment of your life, at that point in time....
ReplyDeleteNo, Electric... Ha Ha will be relaxing in the islands as he was for many years before his arrest.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but that's info is coming in the next book...
ReplyDeleteYou will be shocked what happened...
You as well... Thanks...
ReplyDeleteAhh I see... Wiseguy always looking for a buck... Lol I understand. We will be shocked by what?? The after party? I'm picturing the Sopranos episode when Chrissy gets made and I'm guessing it involves you and multiple Bing Girls... Maybe some blow;)
ReplyDeleteI see. Thanks for the info, nice to get firsthand insight.
ReplyDeleteAnd I do want to thank you for doing this Dom.... It's really cool
ReplyDeleteOnly in Hollywood...
ReplyDeletewas ace aiello a good soilder
ReplyDeleteYou welcome, my pleasure...
ReplyDeleteEd, my pleasure, thank you.
ReplyDeleteWho are the alleged mayors and senators that you rubbed shoulders with?
ReplyDeleteWhen u say not the Chin but Genovese do u mean they were just best at concealing their boss the most over the years
ReplyDeleteVito Genovese for the best boss ever? How come?
ReplyDeleteThe person in charge there I do not want to blow up.
ReplyDeleteJust not my favorite, but can be strongly considered
ReplyDeleteOh, I misunderstood you. The question was "Best boss ever" and you said "Genovese for boss". I didn't realize you talked about the family and not Vito as an individual.
ReplyDeleteNo not alleged, I have proof... That's for the book... SORRY!!!
ReplyDeleteDom will be on for a little while longer, but he'll be checking in now and then -- comment section will remain open until tomorrow morning.... Dom may then decide to answer additional questions -- but in my book, he's done more than enough for the week!!!! Thank you, again, Dom!!
ReplyDeleteThat ok, I just did not want to expose that person. Way to much respect for him.
ReplyDeleteIs it the one who lost a wife to cancer not so long ago?
ReplyDeleteWe've just began 2015. So much has changed. DOMINICK, Too bad you can't capitalize (even more) on your former and present life. I don't watch that MobWives crap but wouldn't it be great to have a reality show with REAL WISEGUYS? I know security is an issue but there has to be a way around it. Cameras go into prisons all the time and I watch documentaries on gangs in Chicago, LA, etc. Who's to say you can't follow a mob boss inside prison? Maybe if the BOP was making some dough off it, it could fly...just a thought. haha
ReplyDeleteOh, by the way, there's been a lot of talk about "rats" and "loyalty" to the Families and Cosa Nostra. I'm all for loyalty but when somebody crosses you, all bets are off. I may look like a jerk-off posting Mancuso's letters but one thing, I'm sure Cicale would back, is that Michael always protects the people he shouldn't and betrays the people he should be loyal to - especially when he expects them to be loyal to him. He protected another person and refused to name them where I was concerned, to this day, he refused to name them. So? Cosa Nostra News and the entire world will continue to see his personal comments and letters. The Bonanno Family will get wind of it and it'll reflect on Mancuso's position within the Family's ranks post prison. How's that for "loyalty"...
During 2004, who were the toughest Bonannos on the street?
ReplyDeleteWho were the scariest? Had the most bodies, etc?
Rumors spread that Vinny was a real stand up guy who always paid back his debt, even if it would mean for him to work 9-5. Is that true?
ReplyDeleteVinny did pay his debts, but I wish he paid what he owed me. It was only $1,300,000.00
ReplyDelete30 Years!!
ReplyDeleteHow many people do you think Ace killed?
ReplyDeleteWas he an earner or just a shooter?
So young that guy..
Lawyer fees...what can you do!? Besides, if he told you to testify and not go on trial yourself, didn't he save you of time in jail?
ReplyDeleteIf it's who I am thinking because I did not have a clue she passed. My heart goes out to him, she was a wonderful person, always smiling.
ReplyDeleteHis kids are lawyers and/or doctors, if I'm not mistaken. The "chosen one".
ReplyDeleteNo we were going to take our case to trial. During that trail I was ordered to take the witness stand on our behalf, so I would be labeled a RAT for the rest of my life because of it.
ReplyDeleteSo you mean the current one no one really knows.... Interesting
ReplyDeleteNo wrong person.
ReplyDeleteQueens District Attorney's Office as well, but not just with the Bonanno family but the Genovese family as well. One particular assistant, Robert Masters. That's not hearsay, nor is it speculation. I used to think it was "cool" that in Queens, people in our circles had somebody with authority within the families. After a while, I began to realize how wrong it was and that POS (Asst.DA) deserved to be in prison along with the other criminals.
ReplyDeleteSome of the guys (Genovese and Bonanno) used to talk about the connections involving construction bids and the whole connection to that jerkoff in the DA's Office. LOL Sorry BOB! Go fuck yourself if you don't like what you're reading!
Yeah and the order came from Vinny(those are your own words), so essentially he saved you from time in prison. No money can buy you freedom.
ReplyDeleteThis was Ace's first piece of work, till this day it breaks my heart with him. He has a lot of great qualities.
ReplyDeletePeople know but he is so undercover I have to respect it.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dom
ReplyDeleteThanks Ed, also, for setting it up
ReplyDeleteI have seen it all, there is a lot of misconduct going on....
ReplyDeleteDo the Rizzutos still kick up to Bonannos? Or did they break off?
ReplyDeleteAnytime, you welcome.
ReplyDeleteI do not look at it in that sense, but I see your point. I am grateful for a clean slate with a fresh start in life, but I had to sell my soul to the devil.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say they broke off, especially after Sal the iron worker was killed.
ReplyDeleteDid he scare people? Was he well liked?
ReplyDeleteWhat was he like? Do you think he could be boss when he gets out?
Our per sense scared people. I loved Ace, that was all that mattered. No absolutely not.
ReplyDeleteGood for you Dom no need to mention his name and props to you for coming on here...........take care Anthony
ReplyDeleteIs it true you flipped in Florida on that murder beef? 17 months for a murder....
ReplyDeletePlastic ships wooden balls Ed lol
ReplyDeletethat meant for met 906 Dom
ReplyDeleteSorry about your dad Dom did not know he passed
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely not!!!
ReplyDeleteFrist time told!!!
My father's friend Cooperated with the state, informing them that I killed the guy, but lied. He informed them that it was self defense, so I was offered a plea deal and I took it. It was a 7 years deal to manslaughter and at that time in the state of Florida you did only a 1/3 of your time.
Thanks pal.
ReplyDeleteWhat do u mean his its a girl posting those fake letters
ReplyDeleteU must b an old man your alittle off in the head either way ur no good spent ur day sticking up for a snitch
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply Dom. You should tell Destefano that then. His book about Vinnie should clarify that.
ReplyDeleteVincent i know Joey hangs with NY guys in Boca
ReplyDeletei don.t know who Anthony Chicchetti is or if he would want u to mention that if it was true.
It would be disastrous for everyone involved
Joey has enough on his plate at home. Im from phila area can.t see that one happening. Philly have been more than generous, do you feel the lack of RICO in canada has been the main reason vito s family grew so strong?
ReplyDeleteThey seem to have gone from a bonanno crew to literally a 6th family. I assume they were bigger than both jersey and philly.
How did you do in florida corrections? I heard its a mess in there.
ReplyDeleteThose letters are fakes dont believe everything u c on line
ReplyDeleteNo... I did extremely well, it was easy. The institution I was in was soft, it was a low medium
ReplyDeleteActually they separated when Vito came home and when Sal the iron work was killed.
ReplyDeleteSo, yes I would have to say they are now the sixth family... WITH BALL.....
For the record... When I testified in the first Basciano trial, the first question was; did you ever corporate... The answer was... NO
ReplyDeleteDon't drink no drugs just principles I do what I say and I say what I do your a bunch of free holes hiding behind a computer I'm out
ReplyDeleteThat's ok... Thank you...
ReplyDeleteI am sorry... You rather I was still in the life killing people... BUT THAT'S NOTB WRECKING FAMILIES!!!!
ReplyDeleteFYI.... Sorry Michael.... Michael had a hair transplant.... Looking good... Lol
ReplyDeleteSal was deported by the government... Like I said before, if Vinny was home sal would of never been killed. Vinny is and was a stone cold KILLER....
ReplyDeleteSal was still the acting boss...
ReplyDeleteU say VB was a sharp guy but he let his kids deal in drugs and I'm sure we're doing drugs that's not a boss!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your posts . I have the ebook. And just now read the questions. I enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteU laugh at men that stand up and do their whole bids w no people junkies the end of the day all u have is ur honor which a junkie that doesent turn RAT has much more of then some punk who only was around cause u fooled vin into thinking u where a man..member how u and ur pals used to curse all rats well pal start cursing urself good job
ReplyDeleteHe actually spoke about it in one of his letters. I didn't think it was amusing enough to post - until you mentioned it. Now it's kinda funny. LOL When he first sent that photo to me, the one I posted of him standing against the wall at the BOP in Edgefield, the thing I noticed more than anything was that he was smiling in the photo like he was on vacation in Tahiti or something; like he was having the time of his life. The only thing missing in the photo was a "Wish You Were Here" caption.
ReplyDeleteMichael does have a funny side, however. I laughed when I read this letter about the Feds and his expression. See the comment about the fictitious case law he cited as "LOLA" and the comment about the "hillbilly":
Were not aloud to post ur rap sheet Dave for petty felonys and narcotics violations so why lie man
ReplyDeleteUr the one that blows guys in the car i know
ReplyDeleteHarlem bj lol..
ReplyDeleteHey Dom how do familys go about dividing territory in the 5 boroughs without stumbling over one another if there is such a plan. Philly
ReplyDeleteYou will love the book Philly, I couldn't put it down and I can't wait for the next one to come out
ReplyDeleteThank god ur the only one that seems to understand what a lowlife mutt u have to b to inform on anyone..this is a rat forum..these guys actually stick up for this rat y not b a pen pal w a real man doing there time then u can learn about what it takes to take ur time and keep ur mouth whut
ReplyDeleteIn NYC don't bother addressing these pricks. I know they're real. I also know who posted them. If you know as you claim to, you'd know their real, too. S STFU before I smack every tooth out of your head...
ReplyDeleteDOM, can I borrow some cash? Just $100, 000 that's it....promise to pay you back!!!
ReplyDeleteCarnegs is an old man now
ReplyDeleteHow much xmas money we talking about?
ReplyDeleteHow many ppl do u think he killed?
ReplyDeleteDid he ever talk about blue thunder? Was he really a major heroin deALER IN 80S?