FBI 302 Proves John Junior Gotti "Talked"
EXCLUSIVE: Gotti's Rules: The Story of John Alite, Junior Gotti, and the Demise of the American Mafia by George Anastasia, available tomorrow, will quote and include a five-page 302 that resulted from John Gotti Junior's "proffer session" with federal authorities. This is according to an emailed excerpt from the book.
The meeting occurred at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in lower Manhattan on January 18, 2005.
The 302, never before revealed to the public, is solid evidence that, despite all Junior's denials, he and two of his defense attorneys met with federal prosecutors and FBI agents.
As noted in the previous story, Jerry Capeci first broke news of Junior’s attempt to cooperate.
But the 302s go even further in terms of the extent of information Junior gave up.
One of the more shocking revelations to emerge from the memo is that James "Jimmy Brown" Failla (January 22, 1919–1999) and Joseph "Joe Butch" Corrao (1936-2001) had been personally summoned by the Luchese crime family to witness a tortured James Hydell confess that he had shot at Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso in an attempted hit ordered by Angelo Salvatore Ruggiero Sr. (July 29, 1940 – December 5, 1989). Gaspipe had demanded Ruggiero's death, according to Junior, who added that Senior refused to comply, shelving his longtime friend and criminal cohort instead.
Here is an excerpt from Gotti's Rules that includes the text presented in the 302:
"[W]hat follows is a word-for-word replication of the five-page FBI 302 memo of the debriefing of John A. Gott back in January 2005. [John] Alite, who has read it, said it was a typical Gotti attempt to lay blame on others. He said the version of events depicted by Junior, at least the events that Alite has knowledge of, is a blend of fact and fiction. The allegations in the memo are not being presented as fact for the purposes of this story, but merely to show that Gotti met with authorities and, in a very real sense, was willing to throw the names of others -- mobsters, businessmen and elected officials – into his descriptions of the criminal activities of the Gambino crime family.
Date of Transcription 01/16/2006
JOHN A. GOTTI, also known as (aka) JUNIOR (GOTTI, JR.) (Protect Identity) was present at the united States Attorney’s Office, Southern district of New York (SDNY), 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York on January 18, 2005 for a proffer session. This meeting was arranged at GOTTI, JR.’S request. Also present were GOTTI JR.’S ATTORNEYS, Jeffrey Lichtman, Esq., and MARC FERNICH, Esq., as well as Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAS) Robert Buehler, Joon Kim and Jennifer Rodgers, SDNY.
After GOTTI JR. and his attorneys read the proffer agreement and the terms of that agreement were explained to them by the AUSAS, GOTTI JR. signed the agreement. GOTTI JR. thereafter provided the following information.
The Murder of Danny Silva
In the early morning hours of either March 11th or 12th, 1983, GOTTI JR. , along with friends MARK CAPUTO and ANTHONY AMOROSO, were present at the SLIVER FOX bar located on 101st Street and Liberty Avenue in Queens, New York. At some point, TOMMY Last Name Unknonw (LNU) aka “ELFIE” approached GOTTI, JR., who was seated at the bar with a female friend, DONNA (LNU) . According to GOTTI, JR., ‘ELFIE’ repeatedly bumped into him. Words were exchanged, one thing led to another and GOTTI, JR. ultimately hit ‘ELFIE’ with a broken glass bottle. GOTTI, JR. then stabbed ‘ELFIE’ with a knkife that GOTTI JR. had obtained from AMOROSO.
According to GOTTI JR., a melee ensued involving approximately 30 to 40 of the bar’s patrons. GOTTI JR. recalled that among those involved in the melee wee: DANNY SILVA, JOHN and GREG MASSA, ANGELO CASTELLI, JOEY CURIO, First Name Unknow (FNU) RILEY and JOHN CENNAMO. GOTTI JR. stated that DANNY SILVA was stabbed and killed during the melee.
GOTTI, JR. described a meeting which occurred a hort time after the incident at the SLIVER FOX, between ANGELO RUGGIERO, SR., AND New York City Police Department (NYPD) Detective, JOHN DALY. GOTTI ,JR. drove RUGGIERO to the meeting, which took place at the Sherwood Dinier located near the Five Towns, on the Queens-Nassau County border. Before the meeting GOTTI JR. and RUGGIERO discussed the purpose of the meeting. According to GOTTI , JR. , RUGGIERO was carrying a brown paper bag containing $25,000 in cash. GOTTI, JR. observed RUGGIERO sit in the rear of the diner and meet with DALY and an unknown white male. RUGGIERO advised GOTTI JR. that the $25,000 cash payment was made to DALY to get his (GOTTI JR.’S) name out of the SILVER FOX murder investigation. While GOTTI, JR., did not directly meet DALY, DALY did acknowledge GOTTI, JR.on his way out of the diner, as GOTTI, JR. sat waiting in the car.
Following this meeting with RUGGIERO and DALY, GOTTI, JR. was instructed by his father, JOHN J. GOTTI, (GOTTI, SR.) TO LEAVE New York for a while until things “colled down.” GOTTI, JR. left New York for Fort Lauderdale, Florida, whee he remained for some time. At some time GOTTI, SR. joined him in F.orida and the two eventually returned to New York.
Upon GOTTI, JR.’S return to New York, he learned that JOHN CENNAMO , one of DANNY SILVA’S friends who was present that the SILVER FOX the night SILVA was stabbed and killed, was dead, apparently having hung himself..
GOTT JR. provided the following as background:
ANGELO RUGGIERO was ‘put on the shelf” by GOTTI, SR. after the murder of JIMMY HYDELL in 1986. HYDELL was tortured and killed by members of the Luchese Organized Crime Family because he (HYDELL) and others had shot and tried to kill ANTHONY ‘GASPIPE’ CASSO. The Luchese Family learned that RUGGIERO was behind the attempt to kill CASSO and demanded that RUGGIERO himself be killed. GOTTI, SR., who was very close to RUGGIERO, did not have RUGGIERO killed. Instead, RUGGIERO was “put on the shelf.”
Prior to HYDELL’S murder, members of the Luchese Family summoned Gambino Family members JIMMY “BROWN”FAILLA and JOE ‘BUTCH’ CORRAO to the location where HYDELL was being held. According to GOTTI, JR., faille AND corraoa wee summoned to that location so that they would be present when HYDELL admitted his and RUGGIERO’S involvement in the attempted murder of CASSO. Prior to the Luchese Family killing HYDELL, FAILLA and CORRAO obtained Gambino Family member DANNY MARINO’S approval to kill HYDELL., because, according to GOTTI, JR., HYDELL was MARINO’S nephew.
Even though RUGGIERO had been “put on the shelf,” GOTTI, JR., continued to meet with him in violation of mafia protocol. GOTTI’S father, (GOTTI SR.) reprimanded him on occasion for meeting with RUGGIERO. GOTTI, JR. learned from RUGGIERO that in the weeks and months after SILVA was killed at the SILVER FOZ, CENNAMO ut continued pressure on the police department to investigate his (SILVA’S) murder. RUGGIERO told GOTTI, JR. that CENNAMO “pressed” his 9GOTTI’S) name in the investigation and his (GOTTI, JR.’S) role in the bar fight that led to SILVA’S murder. RUGGIERO told GOTTI, JR. that he (RUGGIERO) and others had obtained NYPD DD5S [official police department reports] of the SILVA murer investigation from DALY. RUGGIERO then advised GOTTI, JR. that CENNAMO’S death , which appeared to be a suicide, was in fact a murder and that he (RUGGIERO), JOE WATTS and WILLIE BOY JOHNSON had killed CENNAMO on GOTTI SR.’S orders. RUGGIERO told GOTTI JR. that DETECTIVE JOHN DALY provided background information regarding CENNAMO which the Gambino family used to locate him.
Several years later, after GOTTI JR. was arrested on unrelated charges, an additional cash payment was made to DALY when GOTTI JR.’S name resurfaced in the SILVA murder investigation.
GOTTI JR. stated that after his father was arrested and remanded to prison [December 1990] , GOTTI JR. frequently met with JOE WATTS, who was a close associate of GOTTI SR. At one meeting with WATTS at the Lum Chin Chinese restaurant,, WATTS admitted his involvement in the murder of CENNAMO. Wattsa also told GOTTI JR. that the first “piece of work” he (WATTS) was involved in was the murder of VITO BORELLI in approximately 1980, which he committed with GOTTI SR.
According to GOTTI JR. JOHN DALY was assigned to the 106th Precinct during the time he received the payoffs from the Gambino Family and provided information to the Gambino Family about the SILVA murder investigation. GOTTI JR. added that DALY later went to work for the Queens District Attorney’s Office.
Oak Point Garbage Dump
At some point in late 1980’s GOTTI JR and others wanted to develop approximately 28 acres of land located on the Bronx side of the Triboro Bridge. This tract of land was known as Oak Point and at that time was being used by New York City as a garbage dump. GOTTI, JR. and his associates wanted to build modular homes on the property through a company known as Brite Star Homes. In addition to the housing development GOTTI JR. wanted to get involved in the construction of the Bronx House of Detention on that site. GOTTI JR. had received assurances that he would be able to sell the prison to the City of New York for twenty million dollars.
According to GOTTI JR., DAVID NORKIN, a partner of GOTTI, JR.’S in this venture purchased the property. GOTTI JR. advised that bribes were paid to at least two city politicians in order to secure certain city permits required for the development of the project. JOE ZINGARO, a captain in the Gambino Family, had a close association with Bronx politician, EFRAIM ‘EFFIE’ GONZALEZ. GOTTI JR. gave $20,000.00 in cash to ZINGARO for ZINGARO to give to GONZALEZ. According to ZINGARO, GONZALEZ accepted the $20,000.00 GOTTI JR., using the alias JOHN RUSSO, met GONZALEZ at a function they both attended at Alex and Henry’s Catering Hall in the Bronx.
According to GOTTI , JR., additional bribe money was paid to FERNANDO FERRER through NORKIN. NORKIN suggested making the payments to FERRER. According to GOTTI, JR. on at least two different occasions, he (GOTTI, JR.) gave $25,000.00 in cash to NORKIN for NORKIN to give to FERRER. GOTTI, JR.’S close associate MICHAEL McLAUGHLIN, delivered the money. GOTTI, JR. again using the alias JOHN RUSSO, also met directly with FERRER at NORKIN’S office. According to GOTTI, JR. the bribes paid to FERRER did secure whatever permit (s) GOTTI, JR. and his associates needed to obtain for their project.
In addition to the payments described above, GOTTI, JR. paid an additional $100,000.00 to $125,000.00 in cash to various city politicians through NORKIN and the las firm DAVIDOFF MILITO in order to ‘grease the skids” in the development of the housing project and detention center.
After NORKIN purchase Oak Pint, GOTTI, JR. and his associates continued to operate the garbage dump from approximately January 1989 through late August 1989. GOTTI, JR.S “guys,” including McLAUGHLIN, worked at the dump. GOTTI, JR. stated that investigators with the Department of Investigation (DOI) or another New York City investigative agency photographed GOTTI, JR. at the garbage dump on several occasions. Once this photographic evidence of GOTTI, JR.’S connection to the property surfaced, his (GOTTI, JR.’S) investors and business associates no longer wanted to be involved and the project was never completed.
In approximately the spring of 1990, GOTTI, JR. and other Gambino Family members pursued another project involving a garbage dump. This dump was located in Matamoras, Pennsylvania. GOTTI, JR. attended a ‘sit -down” with other members of the Gambino Family, as well as high-ranking members of the Luchese Family concerning this project. On behalf of the Gambino Family (which GOTTI, JR. continually referred to as “our family”) GOTTI, JR., his (GOTTI, JR.’S) uncle , PETE GOTTI, and SALVATORE “SAMMY THE BULL” GRAVANO met with representatives of the Luchese Family, AL D’ARCO, ANTHONY “GAS PIPE” CASSO and PATTY MASSELLI. According to GOTTI, JR., the deal to purchase and operate this garbage dump fell through.
Queen’s District Attorney’s Office
GOTTI, JR. also stated that Gambino Family member ANTHONY “TONY LEE” GUERRIERI and his relationship with local politician, SAL REALE, the Gambino Family had “influence” with the Queens District Attorney’s (DA) Office while JOHN SANTUCCI was the District Attorney. GOTTI, JR. identified MIKE CURRO as the Gambino Family’s “go to guy.” GOTTI, JR. also advised that after GUERRIERI died, the Gambino Family lost most of their influence with the Queens DA’s Office.
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The book reveals for the first time the existence of a 302 transcript of John Gotti Junior's 2005 proffer session. |
The 302, never before revealed to the public, is solid evidence that, despite all Junior's denials, he and two of his defense attorneys met with federal prosecutors and FBI agents.
As noted in the previous story, Jerry Capeci first broke news of Junior’s attempt to cooperate.
But the 302s go even further in terms of the extent of information Junior gave up.
One of the more shocking revelations to emerge from the memo is that James "Jimmy Brown" Failla (January 22, 1919–1999) and Joseph "Joe Butch" Corrao (1936-2001) had been personally summoned by the Luchese crime family to witness a tortured James Hydell confess that he had shot at Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso in an attempted hit ordered by Angelo Salvatore Ruggiero Sr. (July 29, 1940 – December 5, 1989). Gaspipe had demanded Ruggiero's death, according to Junior, who added that Senior refused to comply, shelving his longtime friend and criminal cohort instead.
Here is an excerpt from Gotti's Rules that includes the text presented in the 302:
"[W]hat follows is a word-for-word replication of the five-page FBI 302 memo of the debriefing of John A. Gott back in January 2005. [John] Alite, who has read it, said it was a typical Gotti attempt to lay blame on others. He said the version of events depicted by Junior, at least the events that Alite has knowledge of, is a blend of fact and fiction. The allegations in the memo are not being presented as fact for the purposes of this story, but merely to show that Gotti met with authorities and, in a very real sense, was willing to throw the names of others -- mobsters, businessmen and elected officials – into his descriptions of the criminal activities of the Gambino crime family.
Date of Transcription 01/16/2006
JOHN A. GOTTI, also known as (aka) JUNIOR (GOTTI, JR.) (Protect Identity) was present at the united States Attorney’s Office, Southern district of New York (SDNY), 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York on January 18, 2005 for a proffer session. This meeting was arranged at GOTTI, JR.’S request. Also present were GOTTI JR.’S ATTORNEYS, Jeffrey Lichtman, Esq., and MARC FERNICH, Esq., as well as Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAS) Robert Buehler, Joon Kim and Jennifer Rodgers, SDNY.
After GOTTI JR. and his attorneys read the proffer agreement and the terms of that agreement were explained to them by the AUSAS, GOTTI JR. signed the agreement. GOTTI JR. thereafter provided the following information.
The Murder of Danny Silva
In the early morning hours of either March 11th or 12th, 1983, GOTTI JR. , along with friends MARK CAPUTO and ANTHONY AMOROSO, were present at the SLIVER FOX bar located on 101st Street and Liberty Avenue in Queens, New York. At some point, TOMMY Last Name Unknonw (LNU) aka “ELFIE” approached GOTTI, JR., who was seated at the bar with a female friend, DONNA (LNU) . According to GOTTI, JR., ‘ELFIE’ repeatedly bumped into him. Words were exchanged, one thing led to another and GOTTI, JR. ultimately hit ‘ELFIE’ with a broken glass bottle. GOTTI, JR. then stabbed ‘ELFIE’ with a knkife that GOTTI JR. had obtained from AMOROSO.
According to GOTTI JR., a melee ensued involving approximately 30 to 40 of the bar’s patrons. GOTTI JR. recalled that among those involved in the melee wee: DANNY SILVA, JOHN and GREG MASSA, ANGELO CASTELLI, JOEY CURIO, First Name Unknow (FNU) RILEY and JOHN CENNAMO. GOTTI JR. stated that DANNY SILVA was stabbed and killed during the melee.
GOTTI, JR. described a meeting which occurred a hort time after the incident at the SLIVER FOX, between ANGELO RUGGIERO, SR., AND New York City Police Department (NYPD) Detective, JOHN DALY. GOTTI ,JR. drove RUGGIERO to the meeting, which took place at the Sherwood Dinier located near the Five Towns, on the Queens-Nassau County border. Before the meeting GOTTI JR. and RUGGIERO discussed the purpose of the meeting. According to GOTTI , JR. , RUGGIERO was carrying a brown paper bag containing $25,000 in cash. GOTTI, JR. observed RUGGIERO sit in the rear of the diner and meet with DALY and an unknown white male. RUGGIERO advised GOTTI JR. that the $25,000 cash payment was made to DALY to get his (GOTTI JR.’S) name out of the SILVER FOX murder investigation. While GOTTI, JR., did not directly meet DALY, DALY did acknowledge GOTTI, JR.on his way out of the diner, as GOTTI, JR. sat waiting in the car.
Following this meeting with RUGGIERO and DALY, GOTTI, JR. was instructed by his father, JOHN J. GOTTI, (GOTTI, SR.) TO LEAVE New York for a while until things “colled down.” GOTTI, JR. left New York for Fort Lauderdale, Florida, whee he remained for some time. At some time GOTTI, SR. joined him in F.orida and the two eventually returned to New York.
Upon GOTTI, JR.’S return to New York, he learned that JOHN CENNAMO , one of DANNY SILVA’S friends who was present that the SILVER FOX the night SILVA was stabbed and killed, was dead, apparently having hung himself..
GOTT JR. provided the following as background:
ANGELO RUGGIERO was ‘put on the shelf” by GOTTI, SR. after the murder of JIMMY HYDELL in 1986. HYDELL was tortured and killed by members of the Luchese Organized Crime Family because he (HYDELL) and others had shot and tried to kill ANTHONY ‘GASPIPE’ CASSO. The Luchese Family learned that RUGGIERO was behind the attempt to kill CASSO and demanded that RUGGIERO himself be killed. GOTTI, SR., who was very close to RUGGIERO, did not have RUGGIERO killed. Instead, RUGGIERO was “put on the shelf.”
Prior to HYDELL’S murder, members of the Luchese Family summoned Gambino Family members JIMMY “BROWN”FAILLA and JOE ‘BUTCH’ CORRAO to the location where HYDELL was being held. According to GOTTI, JR., faille AND corraoa wee summoned to that location so that they would be present when HYDELL admitted his and RUGGIERO’S involvement in the attempted murder of CASSO. Prior to the Luchese Family killing HYDELL, FAILLA and CORRAO obtained Gambino Family member DANNY MARINO’S approval to kill HYDELL., because, according to GOTTI, JR., HYDELL was MARINO’S nephew.
Even though RUGGIERO had been “put on the shelf,” GOTTI, JR., continued to meet with him in violation of mafia protocol. GOTTI’S father, (GOTTI SR.) reprimanded him on occasion for meeting with RUGGIERO. GOTTI, JR. learned from RUGGIERO that in the weeks and months after SILVA was killed at the SILVER FOZ, CENNAMO ut continued pressure on the police department to investigate his (SILVA’S) murder. RUGGIERO told GOTTI, JR. that CENNAMO “pressed” his 9GOTTI’S) name in the investigation and his (GOTTI, JR.’S) role in the bar fight that led to SILVA’S murder. RUGGIERO told GOTTI, JR. that he (RUGGIERO) and others had obtained NYPD DD5S [official police department reports] of the SILVA murer investigation from DALY. RUGGIERO then advised GOTTI, JR. that CENNAMO’S death , which appeared to be a suicide, was in fact a murder and that he (RUGGIERO), JOE WATTS and WILLIE BOY JOHNSON had killed CENNAMO on GOTTI SR.’S orders. RUGGIERO told GOTTI JR. that DETECTIVE JOHN DALY provided background information regarding CENNAMO which the Gambino family used to locate him.
Several years later, after GOTTI JR. was arrested on unrelated charges, an additional cash payment was made to DALY when GOTTI JR.’S name resurfaced in the SILVA murder investigation.
GOTTI JR. stated that after his father was arrested and remanded to prison [December 1990] , GOTTI JR. frequently met with JOE WATTS, who was a close associate of GOTTI SR. At one meeting with WATTS at the Lum Chin Chinese restaurant,, WATTS admitted his involvement in the murder of CENNAMO. Wattsa also told GOTTI JR. that the first “piece of work” he (WATTS) was involved in was the murder of VITO BORELLI in approximately 1980, which he committed with GOTTI SR.
According to GOTTI JR. JOHN DALY was assigned to the 106th Precinct during the time he received the payoffs from the Gambino Family and provided information to the Gambino Family about the SILVA murder investigation. GOTTI JR. added that DALY later went to work for the Queens District Attorney’s Office.
Oak Point Garbage Dump
At some point in late 1980’s GOTTI JR and others wanted to develop approximately 28 acres of land located on the Bronx side of the Triboro Bridge. This tract of land was known as Oak Point and at that time was being used by New York City as a garbage dump. GOTTI, JR. and his associates wanted to build modular homes on the property through a company known as Brite Star Homes. In addition to the housing development GOTTI JR. wanted to get involved in the construction of the Bronx House of Detention on that site. GOTTI JR. had received assurances that he would be able to sell the prison to the City of New York for twenty million dollars.
According to GOTTI JR., DAVID NORKIN, a partner of GOTTI, JR.’S in this venture purchased the property. GOTTI JR. advised that bribes were paid to at least two city politicians in order to secure certain city permits required for the development of the project. JOE ZINGARO, a captain in the Gambino Family, had a close association with Bronx politician, EFRAIM ‘EFFIE’ GONZALEZ. GOTTI JR. gave $20,000.00 in cash to ZINGARO for ZINGARO to give to GONZALEZ. According to ZINGARO, GONZALEZ accepted the $20,000.00 GOTTI JR., using the alias JOHN RUSSO, met GONZALEZ at a function they both attended at Alex and Henry’s Catering Hall in the Bronx.
According to GOTTI , JR., additional bribe money was paid to FERNANDO FERRER through NORKIN. NORKIN suggested making the payments to FERRER. According to GOTTI, JR. on at least two different occasions, he (GOTTI, JR.) gave $25,000.00 in cash to NORKIN for NORKIN to give to FERRER. GOTTI, JR.’S close associate MICHAEL McLAUGHLIN, delivered the money. GOTTI, JR. again using the alias JOHN RUSSO, also met directly with FERRER at NORKIN’S office. According to GOTTI, JR. the bribes paid to FERRER did secure whatever permit (s) GOTTI, JR. and his associates needed to obtain for their project.
In addition to the payments described above, GOTTI, JR. paid an additional $100,000.00 to $125,000.00 in cash to various city politicians through NORKIN and the las firm DAVIDOFF MILITO in order to ‘grease the skids” in the development of the housing project and detention center.
After NORKIN purchase Oak Pint, GOTTI, JR. and his associates continued to operate the garbage dump from approximately January 1989 through late August 1989. GOTTI, JR.S “guys,” including McLAUGHLIN, worked at the dump. GOTTI, JR. stated that investigators with the Department of Investigation (DOI) or another New York City investigative agency photographed GOTTI, JR. at the garbage dump on several occasions. Once this photographic evidence of GOTTI, JR.’S connection to the property surfaced, his (GOTTI, JR.’S) investors and business associates no longer wanted to be involved and the project was never completed.
In approximately the spring of 1990, GOTTI, JR. and other Gambino Family members pursued another project involving a garbage dump. This dump was located in Matamoras, Pennsylvania. GOTTI, JR. attended a ‘sit -down” with other members of the Gambino Family, as well as high-ranking members of the Luchese Family concerning this project. On behalf of the Gambino Family (which GOTTI, JR. continually referred to as “our family”) GOTTI, JR., his (GOTTI, JR.’S) uncle , PETE GOTTI, and SALVATORE “SAMMY THE BULL” GRAVANO met with representatives of the Luchese Family, AL D’ARCO, ANTHONY “GAS PIPE” CASSO and PATTY MASSELLI. According to GOTTI, JR., the deal to purchase and operate this garbage dump fell through.
Queen’s District Attorney’s Office
GOTTI, JR. also stated that Gambino Family member ANTHONY “TONY LEE” GUERRIERI and his relationship with local politician, SAL REALE, the Gambino Family had “influence” with the Queens District Attorney’s (DA) Office while JOHN SANTUCCI was the District Attorney. GOTTI, JR. identified MIKE CURRO as the Gambino Family’s “go to guy.” GOTTI, JR. also advised that after GUERRIERI died, the Gambino Family lost most of their influence with the Queens DA’s Office.
gotti didnt rat no 5k1 or testify on anyone or safety valve I bought the book great read period
ReplyDeleteWhat will Jr.s response be to the 302 document that the FBI made it up and forged his name i suppose. A conspiracy against the Gotti.s he.ll claim. But im sure the info on the 302 others are privy too will be Jr.s reckoning here. Like Silvio said in one of the Season one Sopranos episode bye bye Jr well that my friends seems fitting here Lol. Philly
ReplyDeletePeople have done proffers and not ratted. Friend of mine is doing life, and he did a proffer in his case, as did one of his co-defendants who got 25 years, and neither one of them were rats. It was part of a strategy to discredit a witness. People have done proffers, "giving up" evidence the feds already know about, in an effort to further other goals (which in my friend's case, helped in a way as the guy with 25 won on appeal).
ReplyDeleteIf Gotti Jr wanted to rat, he could have walked away easier than just about anyone else. Gotti Jr is not a rat. For all we know Marino and the others gave him permission to speak their names. Who knows, maybe they got to take over his loan sharking rackets in return?
And in the end, does it even matter? Even if he thought about turning, HE DIDN'T. No one has been convicted of the crimes he spoke of. So, whether he was just testing the waters, whatever, who cares? The man went through more trials than his father, and just about everyone else in the life, and never broke, and people are on the internet trying to give him shit when this guy stood up to the entire federal government and survived. JR GOTTI IS NOT A RAT!!
I cant speak for Jr.s book. But i have read Georges Anastasia.s books and one thing i can tell u George wouldn.t put the 302 piece about Jr talk unless it was a100% authentic period. Philly
ReplyDeleteAlso read George Anasasia.s books and one thing i can tell u he would.nt put the 302 piece in the book unless it was 100% authentic. Jr has some explaining to do
ReplyDeletePeriod. Philly
Well, I guess we will see if uncle gene will save his nephew.....uncle gene is very powerful. .....but if he doesn't, or if the family doesn't care, junior may go. He's hated by every family, but will they risk wacking him??? And will the FBI really care?? They hate him too!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJr. Surely wouldn't ever done this if his father had been alive. Sr. didn't even let his brother Gene take a plea in the late 80's, and he's still away, gets out in two years. A big question is with the Sicilian faction now firmly in control of the Gambino Family, what do they do with Gene when he gets out, make him a capo, continue him as a solider, or shelve him? When a guy does 30 and comes home he will expect big rewards. We'll see.
ReplyDeleteI'd say he's justified in expecting that too, he's missed a lot of years for keeping his mouth shut.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI guys where not hired for their writing skills. The date is also different from the one quoted in the text.
ReplyDeleteWell somebody went to bat to keep him alive this long and if it were his uncles he.s kinda put them in a bad situation for when they get out . With a new regime these kids running things today were in there old man.s balls when Gene and others went to Jail they may feel they honored these guys by not whacking Jr if that rumor is even true the uncles reached out will never know and truth be said at this point people running things today don.t really give a fuck about Jr his uncles or the Gotti name. After this book he wrote and the 302 papers in George Anastasia book it.s pretty safe to say Jr Gotti.s put the Gotti name to sleep in the American Mafia today and pretty much Guranteed he and others in his family may be sleeping soon if they don.t break camp soon. If this shit happened on his fathers watch Gotti Sr would.ve made heads roll. No reason to think it won.t happen hear know and don.t think the Feds would go out of thete way if it did. Bye Bye Jr like Silvio said. Lol Philly
ReplyDeleteHey Walter, I hate to inform you of the FACTS OF THE MIFIA.... Anyone who talks about any crimes is a RAT....
There is a date the transcript was formally written as a 302 that differs from the date of the actual proffer session. I don't see any relevance to this. They didn't write the transcript up as a 302 until later. A housekeeping issue. These things are never supposed to be released publicly.
ReplyDeleteI'm still on my fishing trip, on the Akwesasne Mohawk Indian reservation.... near Canada. How bad is the snow on Long Island? Can anyone tell me???
ReplyDeleteWalter Kronkike • 16 hours ago
ReplyDeletePeople have done proffers and not ratted. Friend of mine is doing life, and he did a proffer in his case, as did one of his co-defendants who got 25 years, and neither one of them were rats. It was part of a strategy to discredit a witness. People have done proffers, "giving up" evidence the feds already know about, in an effort to further other goals (which in my friend's case, helped in a way as the guy with 25 won on appeal).
If Gotti Jr wanted to rat, he could have walked away easier than just about anyone else. Gotti Jr is not a rat. For all we know Marino and the others gave him permission to speak their names. Who knows, maybe they got to take over his loan sharking rackets in return?
And in the end, does it even matter? Even if he thought about turning, HE DIDN'T. No one has been convicted of the crimes he spoke of. So, whether he was just testing the waters, whatever, who cares? The man went through more trials than his father, and just about everyone else in the life, and never broke, and people are on the internet trying to give him shit when this guy stood up to the entire federal government and survived. JR GOTTI IS NOT A RAT!!
DC Walter Kronkike • 4 hours ago
Hey Walter, I hate to inform you of the FACTS OF THE MIFIA.... Anyone who talks about any crimes is a RAT....
maybe in the eyes of the mafia hes a rat but as far as federal pens gotti jr can walk any yard
ReplyDeleteI been federal prison I know to get transcripts is pretty hard unless yourself (junior) wants or the accuser go trail so how did john alite and george gets these junior didnt rat on alite are the even real? I guess im buy this book to know more but didnt feds apoligize to junior for accusing him of being a rat
ReplyDeleteActually "FBI guys" ARE hired for their writing skills, among other things.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the date you're referring to and the date in the quoted text is because the interview was on one date but the transcript was made available on another date. Sometimes, Federal transcripts will be released years after the actual proceeding and sometimes only after they've redacted certain information. ~~Cheers!
Hope I answered this for ya above...Take Care, Pal~~
ReplyDeleteThe only thing he would have signed would be the Proffer Agreement and only if he chose to. Besides, he only does that with his attorney(s) present and they assist in the drafting of it as well. :)
ReplyDeleteYep, Dom, exactly. He not only ratted, he tried to throw others into his jackpot. Obviously, the Feds saw through his scheme. He tried to give them low-level crap. The book includes an image of the actual 302, I believe. Also the Gambinos were going to kill Junior TWICE. He was called a rat by the administration. He never quit the mob either. He was shelved. I'm not going to be able to comment too much anymore. I'm scooping myself. Folks, when I write I usually know a lot more than is in the actual story. That said, I happen to know quite a lot about this story.
ReplyDeleteThere's been some comments here about Gene Gotti and what he will do when he gets out. I don't think he'll do too much as he and whatever is left of his old crew are old and tired. He does have juice out on the street still, but Quiet Dom is an 18th Avenue Sicilian who are all known for hating the Gottis. It's a new era for the Gambinos. In John Sr.'s day if someone predicted that the greasers would take over some day, the American wiseguys would have laughed them out of town. There are not too many people worth making these days. It's inevitable that the future of Italian organized crime in the USA will fall to the hands of the greasers as it's still a part of their culture, maybe not today or tomorrow, but about 20 years from now.
ReplyDeleteDon.t u do enough fishing on ur blog lol hope ur enjoying ur vacation break. Did they officialy release Georges book curious? Philly
ReplyDeleteI would have to say it fallls under that public information act and George being a retired Journilist for the Philly Inquire followed proper protocol in receiving such info and the feds probably ask John Alite questions to clarify what Jr had given them and compared notes i would think.philly
ReplyDeleteIt is out today.
ReplyDeleteJournalists routinely can gain access to 302s through any and all sources. Personally I love 302s and would never turn down a chance to collect them.... Guys like Capeci write many of their stories via the 302....
ReplyDeleteJust missed the date by a year! The writing seems more like it's been written by an Albanian tug than an educated person. Usually i like stuff on this blog but this was poor!
ReplyDeleteE book? Wtf is with that ?
ReplyDeleteI went to Philly once ! The armpit of america
ReplyDeleteWe're seeing the end of Omerta, the one time foundation of Cosa Nostra. When a foundation is compromised, the entire structure begins to crumble - even for Cosa Nostra. Just look at the Palermo news from yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThank u ed. philly
ReplyDeleteGotta sgree with u there and NY and LA run a close second thete
ReplyDeleteHe is DESPISED by a certain person that lives on 75th Ave in Howard Beach as well as that person's ENTIRE family. Uh-hm...
ReplyDeleteU ever get ur stool pushed in cuz
ReplyDeleteI see the two cripple fat boys are posting
ReplyDeleteI just asked a question? I was in a bar and my stool was blocking the aisle and a gentleman pushed it in for me,,
ReplyDeleteThis guy's got a website ?? lol.....Over the course of a twenty-five-year career as a gangster he brutalized
ReplyDeletepeople, stabbing them, shooting them, beating them with clubs,
As long as he pays for protection like his pops had too !!
ReplyDeleteOk, heres what the streets are saying, when Gene gets out he'll be given an option to clear the family's name and honor and not just be shelved. In order to do this he's going to have to set up John jr and have him whacked. If he doesn't his wealth will be redistributed and consideratioms are also being tossed around as to how to get what john jr has left of his fathers wealth to go back to the organization. Its logical and inline for restoring what honor is left that his dad and brothers had established during their reign. Lastly, below is an epub of the book. If anyone's got john jr's book,, i'd love a copy of that as well amd enjoy. - joey figz
But will still be labeled a RAT
ReplyDeleteI made two posts here last night and it appears neither one was okayed by the moderator...No cursing, no bashing other posters etc...Just an 2 opinions pertaining to the article...I guess I'm special huh ?? Well this joint can go scratch...Wont see me back here again !!
ReplyDeleteI drove down from Canada yesterday and didn't approve comments until just now. Nothing personal. I only delete comments that are inappropriate; I honestly have nothing against anyone who disagrees with me. It's a small cabal of idiots looking to waste my time I have no patience for. Also Gene Gotti is a nobody. He treated the wrong people like peasants in the can and got abused for it. Capeci called him a legitimate tough guy but he's not.
ReplyDeleteThis is true if you do a proffer then your a rat. Your telling the Feds crimes you did with others. Hate to say it it but sorry john your a rat and you know this...
ReplyDeleteNot true my friend he has no respect in Lewisburg pen.
ReplyDeleteYou just reminded me of something. Massino did the same thing. When he made his deal which included keeping his home, properties, money and his mother's home in Middle Village, he also named people (who would have gone away)...friends of his that he didn't want touched by the DOJ. I never thought to ask at the time who those men were; I didn't care at the time.
ReplyDeleteWith reference to the "influence" in the Queens DA's Office, the Gambino family wasn't/isn't the only family with ties. It was the norm among Genovese associates in Queens to talk openly about their ties to that office and various officials with the DA, including an Exec. Asst. DA. In Queens it was and still is very well known that there were various cases that were dismissed or had received favorable treatment in the form of reduced charges in exchange for substantial payments that were "filtered" through Unions and some local mob attorneys.
ReplyDeleteThe Bonanno family as well, are right in there. Construction bids, money exchanging hands with a handful of people within the Queens DA's Office. Former Bonanno Underboss, Nicholas Santora aka "Nicky Mouth" had confirmed this from time to time. Santora isn't known for his "silence". The only problem with Santora and what may have come back to bite him in the ass was not because he actually named people but he provided too many details of what activities were taking place. If anybody ever decided to get CURIOUS, all they would have to do is see which cases were assigned to certain ADAs, which cases were "switched" to certain ADAs, how many of those were connected to Bonanno or Genovese and what were the dispositions of those cases. THEN, of course there's the ultimate proof of financial transactions between certain Parties. I will say this much, ADA Robert Masters' name came up often.
Furthermore this is only one of several 302s about proffer sessions.
ReplyDeleteHow much more proof is needed his own lawyer gave him up there saying and other mobsters got copys of the 302 yrs ago know everybodys in the know u just can.t make this shit up Jr.s bullshit days are over.Philly
ReplyDeleteWhat did he do, buy ya a cup of coffee? This was part of a strategy, you're right about that!! Get his enemies arrested and keep his ass out of prison!! I'm just curious why you act like you're on his payroll?? I'm not crazy about the name you use, either, gotta say bro.
ReplyDeleteNot true.
ReplyDeleteJohn gotti jr is a rat, you don't have to actually get some one in trouble to be a true rat.. The stories junior trying to say they were lies the things he was telling Feds is hilarious and he is delusional if he thinks any one believes that you look stupid john..you tried then backed out but guess what you crossed that line you joined the Sammy bull and joe Messina club. And willy boy Johnson never testified against any one either and he changed his mind but your dad killed him any way.. Never piss in the wind!!!
ReplyDeleteYou said you've been in federal prison and you know transcripts are hard to get? What world are you living in? First of all, these are 302's not transcripts, and it's all part of what's referred as paperwork. But then again,you would know that. Unless you were using Jacoby & Meyers, you would know it's easy to get paperwork on anyone! To get to the point of what I'm saying , you sound like you're completely full of shit!!! Your comments are all intended to get some bullshit conspiracy theory going. I'm usually a gentleman, but your posts are all ridiculous nonsense that insult peoples intelligence! Try a different approach my man, you're as transparent, as the day is long!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow.. NO debate.. when you do what john does or anyone takes this road you talked.. end of story! John gotti jr should stop & go hide already.. he talked ..admits he '' RATTED OUT TO MADE GUYS ,,MARINO WHO IS A REAL GANGSTER..
ReplyDeletejohn trying so hard to spin this thing..instead of a move like.. we lied to the feeds..lol always on the hustle....can you imagine if his dad was alive?? louie de bono got clipped by his dad for not coming in to a meeting when he was asked..A boss of the Gambino CRIME FAMILY GOES INTO A 302 SESSION CLAIMS HE IS NOT A RAT?? The guy is in a panic because now he knows the whole world knows..the baddest gangster in the worlds son is a R A T ! He gave up 2 made men!! end of story... he even admits it..NOTHING ELSE TO TALK ABOUT''.He cant imagine how that 302 got out ..another deal.. that cvs fight story .That was a hit that turned into a miss.... This guy lies everyway ..he should go and hide.. he has weakened & made his gotti name tarnished forever..in the gangster world..302 proffer means INFORMANT MAKING A FKN DEAL.The guy talked end of story.. He is an informant..No I didn't talk..but I had a fake proffer session.. No I didn't talk.. but I ratted out not 1 but 2 made men & talked mob issues..joe watts wasn't made ..but in the day he was so strong next to his dad didn't matter..he gave him up to..he broke the rules of omerta..Funny lol He looks in a panic ..rumor on the street ..when the time is right ..they will clip this guy.. CVS they missed..Makes sense since zips run the Gambino's & he was stabbed.. they are known for using the knife real good.. Really with all the money he made..& who his dad was..what they all did..you take the time..it comes with the job. a 302 ..the min you do anything like that your are a rat! Sorry but ive been watching this talk go on ..He is a rat ..only difference.. he is john gotti jr former head of the gambino's via john gottis son..thats why its the biggest deal..He can dance around with all the lawyers he wants..302 proffer means you are an informant..What's amazing like a scene out of the sopranos ..lie & hustle''. Tony soprano takes his daughter to school upstate ny somewhere....see's a rat at a gas station..the rat says bla bla ..pleding for his life .tony says one thing about wiseguys before he kills the rat.. the hustle never ends..john gotti jr ..same.. trying to dn play the & spin the 302 & try to make it no big deal..Gotti give it to him he has balls ..the guy must think he is smarter then everyone or desperate on the 302 to dn play it ..John jr .you can see ...he is beside himself that the 302 is out in the public..Cant dispute the 302..you can see it on his face in that video he just made..Never thought id say this about a gotti .. 302 =talking = R A T '' 302' John gotti jr did it now & forever how he will be remembered the biggest informant next to joe massino worse he is john gotti jr!!
on a 302 agreement-queen for the day-the agreement states you must tell the truth also. so now jr says he fed them lies, sorry wrong
ReplyDeletejr gotti ..ratted 302!! .. another boss ..Gambino boss..a soprano star from ozone park' john sould have said on cnn guys its dis information ..lol I never thought a rats name would be named john gotti jr. the 3rd boss to flip.. zips now run 3 families ..are super strong in Canada. Imagine his dad seeing him admit to taking the oath and burning the saint.. admits on tv !! Wow if I didn't see it ..id say no way..times sure have changed in the mob
ReplyDeleteListen.. this kid talked like a canary.. ..im telling you this.. Made guys ..never mind a GOTTI'.. leader of the biggest crime family does not do proffer session's . No 302's ever! No admissions to any of it .. Chicago outfit 9 out of ten of those guys are like iron.. No talk ..the secrets case was one of the few..JOHN GOTTI SENIOR.. do you think he'd allow proffer session's I'm laughing so hard its hard to type..lol I know this first hand.. he would have killed anyone for doing a 302..Can you imagine ..Joe piney his right hand who set up the hit on paul with gotti..when piney got pinched.. He told Gotti no admission's my cousin was in florida under tommy agro & piney .. gotti & piney they had Cosa nostra rules till the end ..both died in jail...Piney died silently in the can..he was one of the real hidden powers ..that goes back to his brother steve in the 40's to 50's who clipped albert. Gotti sr.. Now his son..Gotti Jr admitted about crime dealings .. Gambino dealings.. bribes.. he gave up Joe watts & ratted.. yr saying that's okay.. You are not a street guy & don't know the rules ..or lost yr mind pal due to the touch of palsy....why do you think Marino pleaded out fast last Case he caught.. because if he did..then no murder charge.. More so jr is weak ..he is not like his dad.. johnny A ran everything for john jr..out of the queens bar.. Alite was so feared at the time..they shook dn every drug dealer and gotti jr had piney's nephew's crew as hidden back up.. that shook down everyone in bensonhurst & bayridge..that they split with the scarpa crew..my best friend.. personally knew them both..these guys..Pineys nephews & gotti Jr & both crews.. would beat stab everyone & anyone in the way..They would pull major scores .Im going back 25 to almost 30 yrs ago.. Now you wanna talk 302's ..are you for real?? Pal no disrespect.. but you sound like you might have a touch of palsy..True Cosa nostra rules..if you refused to come in.. or had an excuse most likely yr clipped.. very few get a pass. To get a pass a guy who gets a pass.. huge earner & has to have status & power..Gotti senior's run.. he was a gangster's gangster..back then guys took big time never to admit anything..Gotti jr is a mutt. .just like any other guy that turned on his crew & mob family..Massino turned.. Natale from philly turned.. john jr just tried to sneak it..''Fact'' feds hate him so bad.. when then went in his cell ..told them him he was getting charged with the silva killing ..he then gave the 302..i know this.. first hand from made guys close to little Nicky ..they hate Jr.. when Jr's mother goes ..Jr then will go.. Word on the street.. Pete Gotti wont do anything as Jr & Pete hate each other.. Gene is his only life line...how do you think gene a guy who did 30 years feels about his rat nephews 302 session... JOHN GOTTI JR IS THE 3RD BOSS OF A FAMILY TO RAT..GAMBINO, PHILLY & THE FKN HEAD OF THE BANANA'S..ITS WORSE BECAUSE HE IS JOHN GOTTI'S KID!! ALLTHESE GUYS ADMIT ARE RATS! exactly ..case closed!!
ReplyDeleteWow.. tell you what im from Brooklyn.. howard beach tommy who ever you are ..you are in the know.. piney the Giordano brothers.. handsome jack & joe the blonde ..ran brooklyn ..lower east side nyc & staten island..had a 300 million dollar a year gambling bizz. I also remember.. the nephews were scary crazy!! They had like 30 guys ..john gotti jr & alite had like double that many guys ..all stoned killers as young as they all were. All those guys were nuts.. We would stay away..these guys ..So feared by all in bklyn are area. I was at a night club called 231 in long island.. ..john's crew and piney's nephew's crew would hold court..it was like a movie..Most don't probably know this..piney looked like a low key old man .but was the master connection into Canada with the zips..he had international ''H'' connections & respected in many mob circles with all different families ..tommy ozone your spot on.. Who ever you are..ed im a fan of this blog .great stuff..Scary dudes. I personally im like wow on gotti jr doing 302 & ratting..but I guess today ...watching these guys like joe massino 302 ..anything goes...
ReplyDeleteI grew up in long island went to all the clubs.. yes club 231 ..it had a mafia row ..the girls went after these guys at the time ..it was crazy like movie stars or something..one time I seen this Lincoln pull up like 4 guys got out all waited out front ..gotti jr pulled up in a god as my witness ..a light blue ford Fairmont ..wearing a 1000 dollar Italian suit when all his guys seen him ..he walked first,,then they all went ahead of a huge line ..and away they went.. remember like yesterday..like out of a movie
ReplyDeleteI have been not been getting all the mob news. I just watched a cnn interview. John Gotti jr made a 302!!! He admits to the oath on cnn!! The burning saint..he admitted It !! His dad is rolling over in his grave .I seen what his dad did when he ask for closure in prison.He tries to come off like a victim.. Now that's funny..Lawyer by his side jr rambles on about what he lost compares himself to indians..bla bla..is this guy nuts?? He is a mafia guy..that has a net worth of 10.million ..killed people and complains because he did time lost some real estate lol. ..then he does a 302 wow! Then he says it was a fake 302..then he admits to giving info on his dad's friend joe watts.I guess he could do the crime but as the saying goes couldn't do the time. Gotti jr ratted! I wonder how this will all play out.from howard beach so im stunned !
ReplyDeleteEd I'm gonna clear the air here once and for all.Little Nick hates this kid as many others do. He talked . What a rat! This is way he is trying to smear Alite. They both look like 2 informants in a verbal fight. John jr thinks he can fool peole .He can;t fool anyone. Never the less he uses Travolta half gay to play his dad.It doesn't matter to me But can you imagine what they say at the club playing cardsLOL Pretty funny.While sad as his dad was a mans man. Ask his dad if he was alive what he would think of doing a fed debriefing -302!Lol That was eve worse than leaving the list of made gys and cash behind the wall! Ed i can't say who i am. Im in the know .I just wanted to come forward ..Say Jr is a 1000 lying rat. He might get clipped from these guys down the line. They talk about him as he is a rat.I hear im right in the mix.Why i came out to clear the air ..To put John jr;s lies to an end. Danny M if he could he would put him in acid tomorrow. Hates that kid.Many do.Heis not smart enough to realize .Saying things like Im not loyal to the streets. They hear you.Even though your put on a shelf!The streets kicked your rat 302 talking ass out! Frank S-blue eyes. Lol Gotta laugh . Jr is in Fantasy land. Watts Lol calls him a rat! Saying Watts would clipp Blue eyes who was protected under detroit and Canadalcs familes.Frank clipped .lol jr tryig to sell his story. The real guys Know as i what a lying rat this guy was and is. Well his family and kids .along with the street know jr is a 100 percent informant. Im at a public p.c Ed . I dont have my glasses so exuse any misspellings.but just as of a week ago .They were talking about what a piece of shit jr is.That's why i had to come read this.Alite pointed out the 302 ,Somehow leaked.Lol Feds hate him also.Many do just really dislike jr..Now jr hates Alite- that so thats why he is so after alite.The truth is out.He is a punk rat.Take care Ed .Ciao