Ndrangheta 101: Italian-Mafia Scholar's Insight

Supporters protest 2010 arrest of Ndrangheta boss. John Dickie on The 'Ndrangheta By Diego Scarabelli Why is the history of the ‘Ndrangheta in the 19th Century still largely neglected? It isn’t just the history of the ‘Ndrangheta in the nineteenth century that has been neglected: it is the ‘Ndrangheta tout court. It’s sometimes said that the ‘Ndrangheta has been covered by a ‘cono d’ombra’: a deep media shadow. The main reason for this is simply that Calabria is not remotely as politically important as are Naples and Palermo (where the camorra and mafia are most visible). Calabria can be safely ignored, by comparison. Once you start to research the history of the ‘Ndrangheta, you find that there are lots of sources because the police and magistrature knew all about it.