HBO Gotti Cast Reunite At Mob Movie Con Show
For one brief moment in 1996, it seemed he was back.....The coiffure, the swagger, the scowl, the air of menace, threats, and schemes. The wit, the philosophizing....But John Gotti had been sitting in a 7-by-8-foot cell in the maximum security wing of the Federal Penitentiary in Marion, Ill., serving a life sentence for murder and racketeering since 1992. (He died serving that sentence in 2002.) Armand Assante last weekend in Atlantic City. Photo by Barry Brown. Armand Assante didn't so much play John Gotti in the two-hour HBO movie Gotti (which was based on Gotti: Rise and Fall by Jerry Capeci and Gene Mustain, plus FBI tapes and court transcripts) as serve as a vessel for the mobster's reincarnation. Assante achieved something remarkable in the movie (and his portrayal certainly bested John Travolta's more recent attempt, in our book anyways). ''I did a tremendous amount of homework.'' Assante said of his preparation for the role in an interview with th...