The House at 431 Lake Street -- Today

This is the house as it appears today where the Colombo hit squad shot down the Perainos, former partners in crime who backed the porno film "Deep Throat." Ephemeral New York is a blog devoted to "Chronicling an ever-changing city through faded and forgotten artifacts." The site recently ran a story on what we call " The Deep Throat Murders, " in which the Colombo family sought to tighten up management and increase its portion of the revenue generated by the infamous XXX-rated film Deep Throat, which family cohorts the Perainos had backed and from which they were taking more than their fair share of the proceeds. "The story includes a photo of the house... that stands today at the address where a Colombo hit team tried to whack the Peraino father and son team." What is interesting is the story includes a photo of the house, or at least the house that stands today at the address where a Colombo hit team tried to whack the Peraino ...