Franzese's Struggle Followed His 1986 Indictment

Michael Franzese It's certainly not too late to sign up -- and ensure your participation in the Michael Franzese webcast, about which a major announcement will be made in a few days. Apparently, the mailing list gadget, below, doesn't show up in the mobile version of this site on some smartphones. So I've put it inside this post. Just enter your email address in the box. Join our mailing list If you are still encountering difficulty, shoot an email to me at and I will enter your email address for you. Then you will just have to reply to a confirmation email that will appear in your inbox. Michael Franzese is most widely known for the gasoline tax scam, one of the single-most profitable rackets ever operated by New York's Five Families. He also sported a clean-cut image and, as the son of "Sonny" Franzese, was described by the media as "Mafia royalty."