Mob Wives Hottie Natalie Sees the Frame; Gravano's "Breakdown"

We have written that Karen Gravano departed her Arizona home, hopped on a plane (leaving behind her husband and children, as she herself admitted during what we can only call a "dramatic breakdown" during the last episode of "Mob Wives") and flew cross country to New York so she could defend and/or support and/or whatever her good friend Renee in the face of a vicious tweet Natalie posted.

As I have learned this past week, Karen Gravano did not come to New York to defend Renee because Natalie posted a nasty Tweet. Natalie never even posted the nasty tweet in the first place. In fact, Karen had been bashing Natalie and others on Twitter long before anyone else, and Natalie was simply defending herself and friend Alicia DiMichele.

As noted on one of our new favorite blogs, Reality Ashhole: "I remember when Karen attacked them first. She was bitter about being fired and she went after the new girls. I don't know why Karen can't just be honest about starting this drama herself."

But then we have to wonder, since when were Karen and Renee best friends in the first place? Karen was indeed very bitter about getting fired and attacked a lot of people, including Renee.

A headline and a few tweets from another one of my favorite blogs: Karen Gravano Calls Renee Graziano A Coward - The Real Housewives | News. Dirt. Gossip.: "Yesterday, Renee tweeted “b clear my sis put it on the line 4 u girls!! SHE FED US ALL U were GREEDY n now unemployed be angry at urself NOT HER #bossbloodline.” She then oddly added how her love for Karen Gravano is unconditional. Karen Gravano has since responded to Renee via twitter insinuating that she is a coward "

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Come to think of it, it was Gravano herself who started off the whole New Blood season, giving the show additional exposure (and us one of our top 10 most-read blog posts in the process; see previous link).

Reader, I once swore to myself that I would never write a story based on a tweet or any other form of social media whatsoever. But as shown in a previous story, I have since changed my tune. Some of these tweets are valuable from a journalistic viewpoint; therefore, we now view as indispensable the various blogs that have preserved these tweets. As we know, tweets can be deleted, especially when they offer what we can only call "inconvenient truths."

One tweet Natalie posted caught our attention:

Some other tweets we read about but couldn't find had to do with a "setup" and breaking confidentiality clauses, never a good idea, Natalie. The outfits behind some of these reality shows are worse than the mob...

But as we noted, it is pretty clear what is going on this season: punish Natalie Guercio because she helped make the novelist (Renee, I refer to) look foolish. (Yes, we know it is a reality show, but the fact is, reality show or not, nobody ever wants to look bad, except for fools who don't even know when they look bad....)

Renee certainly doesn't need much help on the making-oneself-look-foolish front.

Take Renee at her own words:

Piece of advice for Renee: it helps if you don't write on social media while drunk and stoned...

Natalie (we don't bother to make the distinction as to which Natalie we refer to; when we refer to the other one, you will know), we see the frame up happening....

ALSO SEE: Cosa Nostra News: UPDATED: Mob Wives Season Five: Reality Check

Cosa Nostra News: Philly Mob Boss Allegedly Whacked Cousin of New Mob Wife


  1. Glad you see this. Those Grazianos and Gravano are so nasty!

  2. Robyn, I am curious about that symbol beside your it a personal thing or does it mean something in another language? I have seen this one of course: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  3. Hi Ed , are you gonna start covering housewives and cooking shows next or ryan seacrest? This is the worst ive seen on your blog. Retweeting fake reality dogs and helping hype them. Give everyone a break. When he loser boyfriend got slashed was entertaining but this story above is bad filler. Go'dig up some real shit or have dominick cicalecome back.

  4. What.s funny about this show Big Ang and Ranee can.t understand why there 2 boys are fucked up you got one who.s father is a scumbag murderer and mother a pill popping slut. And Big Ang who seems the most level headed and bussiness minded always talking like she is a made woman. Monkey see Monkey do. As for Karen G here.s a girl leaves her kids and Baby Daddy in Arizona to fly east for more black cock and drama. Pretty safe to say this show has run it.s course. Next u.ll have Ranee or Karen having a Sit down with the Rev Al Sharpie . Point( Big Ang with Victoria Gotti) when all u really have to do see thugs and drama about Whites and Blacks is watch ur nitely news.philly

  5. No one wants to sit in jail. I feel his family would have been better served if he had.

  6. Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered..Karen Gravano is a pig..

  7. I have to say a cpl things here and I dont wanna come off cocky or indignant. I live in Philly and my understanding is, someone who Is labeled a rat that label carries to their family. I was informed that one philly regime changed that policy awhile ago not sure if it was Scarfo or Bruno but ur children,wife ect.. were ignored/Banished from all. So when I hear Natalie calling Karen a Rat I believe she is correct "the apple dosent fall far from the tree" and just by looking at her you can plainly see if shit hits the fan she would save her own ass n throw others under the bus. She makes a living off of her fathers name that tells me she is proud of ALL his actions. It made me sick to hear her say on one episode "do u know who I am" I actually cursed out my Tv. I think Renee is a GAVONE for staying loyal to Karen ex-running to karen in tears after Victoria showed up at her n big angs lunch but then again I must say I LOVED the look on Renee's face when Victoria walked in. I think the WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING IS KAREN.. and I hope these women will soon see this.

  8. I agree. I know it's a reality show but there are definitely certain moments like the one you mentioned, in which I'd swear something real is happening. The women are not trained actors so some of these looks (usually a startled look) are simply too genuine looking to be fake...

  9. Tonydanza, calm down. I know it's been downhill since Taxi but you did a kick ass movie when you played Gus Farace! Peace out...

  10. I was pissed too when she said that, I can't stand her

  11. Hahaha!!!! Go get 'em Ed

  12. I don.t think that.s correct bevause u have the Grande brothers one became an informant (Salvatore Wayne Grande) the other was stand up and the one who turned his son is the one in the shooting with Anthony Nicodemo hit on Gino De Pietro so the Rat thing doesnt hold water. Same with the Riccobene Brothers. Pick ur friends but u can.t pick ur relatives cuz.Philly


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