'Mob Wives’ Ramona Slams Carla for Being a Racist

From Radar Online, we get another "Mob Wives" exclusive, courtesy of Ramona Rizzo, who picks up where Karen left off... This is a systematic attack by two members of the cast who are defending Love -- either a.) out of loyalty, b.) to boost their street "creds" or c.) to keep the drama alive between seasons -- we can't tell which.

Oh, and one of Jenn Graziano's useful idiots is saying that the creator/queen of the reality show is denying these stories (and that I should quit the "coattail-riding").

We give this useful idiot the single-finger salute!

Season three of Mob Wives ended with a drama-filled reunion show, but castmate Ramona Rizzo claims certain parts were “conveniently” edited out, and RadarOnline.com has all the exclusive details of what was missed — including accusations of racism and homophobia!

According to Ramona, Carla Facciolo — who got into it withLove Majewski, causing her to be fired from the show and uninvited from the reunion after threatening a lawsuit — is the last person who should be crying bully, because she’s spewed a fair share of hatred herself.

“All season long, we repeatedly heard racist and homophobic comments from Carla,” Ramona revealed in an exclusive interviewwith Radar.

“During the reunion, she made more racist comments and attacked my family, which were largely edited out.”

Ramona wanted to speak out about the bully accusations made by Carla on the show because she felt it was unfairly skewed with important parts left out.

“I was not being a bully,” she explained.

“I was putting a dog that doesn’t know how to behave back in its cage.”


  1. I love Ramona Rizzo... she is the most realest on the show, she makes the show. I agree with her feelings on what she says. Its not cool to be racist! Team Ramona all day!!!!!

  2. enough about these mob wives how about some real news ! or interviews with real gangsters or more from greg de lucca i really enjoyed his articles

  3. Mr DeLucca was "recalled" from retirement and is back in Italy -- employed once again. Activated may be a better word... I miss his writings too...

    1. Anthony from the BronxMay 1, 2013, 12:43:00 PM

      Yeah, Mr. DeLucca was cool great stories from the mother country

  4. ahhhh ok i hope everything goes good for him and he stays safe !

  5. Myself i've always stayed far from the politics within any type of "companies",from my respect within i always enjoyed adult ladies goin at it in realtime but because of the constant cameras,knowing that thousands of citizens will be watching their show,i think opinions, wanting more limelight within the show between these beautiful women can ...i feel ..can get alittle petty...and the felines have alittle power of tug and push...from my respect within i would if given a once in a life oppurtunity or a "OK" i would take these women to the beach along our california coast,towards the evening start a nice fire and grill them some shrimp,with champayne and strawberries with slow mellow jazz music goin while takin them into a dance into the night while walking along the beach,for the loud yellin and blamin each other i would ask them just for 1 night to share passion between them with me,no strings attached,but just to see if there is any passion,yearning behind those ferious felines?...my respect to all your families,Chow


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