Alite: "Once Junior Went In, I Couldn't Flip Fast Enough"
We assume it's in the book, what John "Junior" Gotti revealed today.
You may have read the story, EXCLUSIVE: John (Junior) Gotti brags he lied to feds - NY Daily News: "When the mob scion sat down with federal prosecutors in 2005 to discuss crimes of fellow mobsters, he planned to give them bad information and useless leads, Gotti and his lawyer revealed in an interview with the Daily News. 'No one suffered but me,' he said of the decision."
We assume it's in the book, what John "Junior" Gotti revealed today.
You may have read the story, EXCLUSIVE: John (Junior) Gotti brags he lied to feds - NY Daily News: "When the mob scion sat down with federal prosecutors in 2005 to discuss crimes of fellow mobsters, he planned to give them bad information and useless leads, Gotti and his lawyer revealed in an interview with the Daily News. 'No one suffered but me,' he said of the decision."
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John A. "Junior" Gotti |
John Alite certainly disagrees.
No doubt some "suckers" would not. (Suckers is what mob guys call citizens. Suckers.)
Do we really need anyone to tell us what John Gotti Senior would've done if one of his guys even made an appointment to see a prosecutor? We'll deploy a quote used elsewhere on this blog to make our point as clear as possible: "Guys died for a lot less" than what John Junior did.
And the fact the he's bragging that he lied to the feds is not the brightest of moves, either. One need only examine the case of... well, John Gotti Senior, who refused to duck. Famously.
First, he said he never talked to the feds; then he said that he did talk to the feds but he didn't say anything to hurt anyone except for himself, if you choose to believe him. There's actually a technical term used in the mob for guys who use Uncle Sam to take care of their enemies: RAT.
If you can quote the rules....
This blog is called "Cosa Nostra News." What do you expect to read on here?
This blog is called "Cosa Nostra News." What do you expect to read on here?
We spoke with Gotti's former pal, John Alite (that people are even debating whether those two were thicker than thieves, quite literally in this case, is laughable to anyone who knew either of them on the street).
Alite was at no loss for words in parsing Junior's latest needless effort to bring the wrath of the federal government down on his own head. (As Paulie Walnuts might have said: Junior, do yourself a favor, pal. Shut the fuck up.)
Alite was at no loss for words in parsing Junior's latest needless effort to bring the wrath of the federal government down on his own head. (As Paulie Walnuts might have said: Junior, do yourself a favor, pal. Shut the fuck up.)
"What would be the benefit of the Cennamo murder in his proffer session unless he wants to get the murder off his back?" Alite asked us, being as specific as possible, as usual, seizing one of the many details that Junior revealed today in that Daily News exclusive.
"He tried to clear himself of the Silva murder and put it on other suspects that were in the bar, so he's putting somebody that was in that bar -- it's an open murder investigation -- on the hook for a murder he did.
"He insults the world's intelligence by lying, continuously lying. He's like Joe Pesci, not Goodfellas' Joe Pesci, but Joe Pesci from the Lethal Weapon movies."
Within hours of the March 1983 slaying in the Silver Fox, witness John Cennamo was in Jamaica Hospital shouting at police that Gotti fatally stabbed Daniel Silva, retired Detective James McKinley testified. ...
An earlier witness in Gotti's racketeering trial testified that Junior's notorious father, John Gotti Sr., shut down the murder probe with a $10,000 bribe to an NYPD detective.
... Fourteen months after the killing, Cennamo, 22, was found dead - a white sweater wrapped around his neck - from a low-hanging tree, prosecution witness Joseph Stillitano said.
The retired cop said the death had the look of a homicide, since the victim was "hanging too low." Cennamo's knees were almost touching the ground behind the Linden Blvd., Queens, laundromat, he recalled.
Prosecutors claimed Gotti was responsible for the Cennamo death, saying he bragged about the killing.
Alite added: "He knows the rules of the mob. Once you walk into the room of a prosecutor's office, you're a cooperator. Once you make the appointment you're a cooperator."
Alite's comments were echoed by one of our sources, who knew of Alite but did not know him or Junior personally.
"They made it sound like Alite was the guy who just made the coffee," said our source, an inducted member of one of New York's Cosa Nostra crime families who never flipped (or proffered). "Everyone knows he was John Junior's right hand man."
As for the article, he added, "It's a joke. The fact that Junior admits he tried to get Danny Marino and Joe Watts jammed up with the feds says it all: He's actually admitting he's a rat, plain and simple."
Alite has nothing to hide -- in fact it's difficult to shut him up. And the funny thing is, with Alite, the facts never change. He's been telling us all this since the beginning, nearly word for word.
"I was a worker, meaning I shot tons of guys," Alite told us. "Gotti said I shot 50 guys. Probably. I never denied that. The difference between me and a lot of these guys is I walk around by myself. Always did. These guys are all full of shit.
"I don't want kids to waste their life believing in something that's garbage like I did."
Alite in fact believes Gotti did far more than proffer.
"He's been cooperating as a CI in my opinion on his own or through attorneys since, I believe, in '97 when I went into solitary confinement."
What does his having been thrown in the hole have to do with anything?
"No one can find out why I was in solitary," he said. "They put me on another tier. No one but a captain or up was even allowed there."
He was placed in solitary "because I was Gotti's guy. Gotti probably never had another guy shot or killed after i wasn't around."
The relationship started souring between the two in 1994, Alite said. "I was still working for him but not staying around him. I still believed in the life and I would do anything that was asked, even for a guy I couldn't stand because I believed in the life and our family.
"And he was my boss. There is enough proof among guys that were in the mob for them to understand that John Gotti Junior ratted."
This is a tough sell, but only in New York. In most of the rest of the Western World where there is an interest in the mob, the 302 story has generated headlines.
"There is no indictment over 302s," Alite clarified, correctly. "A 302 opens up an investigation against people.
"He opened up the door not for one or two people it's probably over a dozen people that he's implicating. That is just one 302.
"The question is how long has he been going on the sneak? Just because Carnesi [Charles Carnesi is John Junior's attorney] gave up one 302 because it involved his good friend and client Danny Marino doesn't mean there aren't more."
"He was my direct boss -- and once I knew he went in when he went in, I couldn't flip fast enough.
"He's dumb when it comes to street smarts, but he's not dumb when it comes to being a weasel."
As for Junior's claim that the 302 was phony and that he was simply "gaming" the feds, Alite says:
"John Junior wouldn't give a fuck where those 302s came from if they were fake.
"And if they are fake papers he should be happy because i helped him prove what he says now.
"So what is his argument? Why'd he get on 60 minutes and swear to the world that he didn't go to a prosecutor's office?
"These are all questions nobody is asking."
We ask John Junior here and now: Why?
"One of the biggest questions I have for him is what would your father have done if he knew you met with a prosecutor?
"What would your father have done? And I know what the answer is and I'm not speaking from the beyond.
"You know how I know? When Carmine Agnello [Junior's brother in law] went in to take the heat on a jury tampering case, his father went off and said he's a rat for going in and he didn't care what his reasons were."
Senior, in fact, routinely, ordered the extermination of anyone even suspected of ratting, including businessmen with Gambino ties. As we noted in a previous story, There's More to Junior's Sinatra Story, Of Course....: "Frederick Weiss [one example] was whacked on Gotti’s orders after the former Gambino boss suspected Weiss had become in informant. According to prosecutor Steve Kwok, an armed Watts ["The German," as mentioned previously] was waiting for Weiss to be lured to a Staten Island garage that had been lined with plastic to catch the blood and potential brain matter splatter. Weiss never showed up and was killed by a hit team led by the New Jersey crime family the next day. "
Alite has one final point:
"Let's get this straight: I didn't cooperate against John Gotti Junior.
"I testified against him but he was already a rat."
Alite added: "I know him better than anybody. He's a coward. I have seen him walk away from dozens of fights. He never raised his hands unless he knew the guy wasn't gonna swing back.
Alite added: "I know him better than anybody. He's a coward. I have seen him walk away from dozens of fights. He never raised his hands unless he knew the guy wasn't gonna swing back.
"He is a stone cold coward and a sociopath."
"I'll use the words he used for me: he's a punk and a dog and a miscreant.
"He just doesn't know how to get attention. He's gonna find himself in a jail cell with a lot of attention."
The 302 has this guy really jammed up. He would have been clipped under ANY administration. I'm curious why DC said on here that he knew many guys who "proffered " but never flipped and are not rats, wtf is going on??? Is it a generation thing? The young guys just don't have the same mind set?
ReplyDeleteIt's an odd case, gotti clearly cooperated (if you believe the 302 is real, and it is), but he stood up...served a lot of time in prison (most in solitary). Probably why he wasn't killed.
Junior bashing annoying now and very repetitive. Any new stories ed? In my opinion alite wasn't believed in court so nothing he can do or say will make me believe him now as an Ex Albanian associate. Surprised he's getting this air time. For an irrelevant rat he has got a lot of air. Would like to hear more about cicale not this clown.
Alite trying to justify why he became a full fledged rat. No changed man here, still blaming Gotti but word was he was a CI in 1991 who's fault was that? Also why is Alite using the Gotti name on his book? He rode that name all his life and still doing it. Time for alite to grow up be a man for real and stop riding the Gotti's coattails reminds me of Sliwa.
ReplyDeleteGotti wasn't lying when he said after a while some of the jurors wouldn't even look at Alite. He was THAT bad.
ReplyDeleteLou who are you? Really???
ReplyDeleteYou're free to leave. I call em like I see em and my true readers wouldn't want it any other way.
ReplyDeleteNot nearly as much time as Alite among others? Ever been a warlord in a Brazilian prison? You Gotti pullers are jokes.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if you had a book written about your family that was a book of lies you would understand. Come on Ed do you really believe that Alite did things for Gotti Senior? Do you really believe that he was even allowed to stay on the same block as he let alone the same room? Everyone who knew Senior will tell you that you had to go through five guys to get to him . Come on now Ed go back five years ago even Capeci said this guy Alite was full of it.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap! Now I get it you hate Jr because your friends with Cicale who also ratted at Jr's fourth trial. Is that all you do talk and defend the rats? I just looked it up now it makes sense.
ReplyDeleteEd, I'm not putting my last name on here, I'm a philly guy that's been around, did some time, met a couple NY guys along the way that I keep in touch with and know who's who, I love reading your articles and see your on point with a lot of things, I just think you've been a little bias recently with Alite over Gotti, maybe it's personal I don't know, if so that's fine, I don't know either one so I could care less but I do call it like I see it.
ReplyDeleteYeah it does matter. He's not a rat. He couldn't go through with it. Read his book he explained it all said he just couldn't do that to the families his and who ever he would rat against. I get that. Not a rat in my book. He didn't send his friends or anyone else to jail. I saw some of those rats on the stand they loved what they were doing.
ReplyDeleteEd why are you giving this guy a platform and taking his word like it's gold?
ReplyDeleteGotti is not a rat, he went through FOUR trials, Mr. Alite no disrespect but when Gotti releases your stack of 302's let's see not how many enemies you gave up but how many friends you traded information on.
Ed, how do you know Alite's Brazilian jail stories are even true? Even Anastasia said he couldn't verify them,
John Alite, you still have not answered my question I asked you days ago-- if Carnesi circulated this 302 in 2006, the document would have made the internet soon after, and the prosecutors would have been forced to bring up the act of Carnesi circulating it prior to the 4th trial as it would have been grounds for appeal, not to mention the fact that this is not in your 302's that I have a feeling will be hitting the internet shortly.
To me this one aspect of your story disqualifies everything else.
If you believe I'm wrong though please correct me.
But every time I ask you, you dodge the question and change the subject.
Ed this guy is a liar.
John Alite if you're not a liar go on Frank Morano's radio show this Sunday night, he will ask you questions other 'journalists' haven't.
Do you accept the challenge John Alite?
If you're not afraid of anyone and not a liar and really want to help kids then go on Morano's show and defend your name.
Do you accept the challenge????
If you're not a liar and really want to help kids you will.
But I don't think you have the guts to.
by his own words " I talked to the feds" ..say what you want, he admitted it. so whats so hard to to believe... RAT ! accept it......LOL
ReplyDeleteJust because a jury didn't convict doesn't mean they didn't believe Alite. Remember, the trials were mistrials. They jury couldn't agree. Think about it this way: if you get a juror who is repulsed by the fact that the government is using a psychopath to try to convict a defendant who is not as psychopathic as the witness himself, well, then, that witness can gum up the whole works. That's probably why Casso got deep sixed and why Demeo would have been a terrible witness. I tend to believe Alite but when I read his cousin lost his leg because Alite shot him.... I decided right then and there that if I were a juror where Alite was a witness, I'd say eff the government. Believe me, there is such a small room for error with cooperators like Alite as witnesses.
ReplyDeleteAs for baggin on Ed, this crap is beyond old. The guy obviously spends a helluvalotta time on a topic that we all love. If you don't like him, just go away.
If that's true, the reason they couldn't look at him could have been because they were utterly repulsed by him.... Not because they didn't believe him.
ReplyDeleteHow is he bashing junior? Junior put himself in the public arena again with his book and is making some controversial claims. The surname "Gotti" will forever carry more recognition to the general public than any mob associated name except maybe "Capone"....since Ed has a blog called cosa nostra news,doesn't it make sense he would explore this topic?
ReplyDeleteIf junior has no problem from mob guys, that speaks a lot about the mob today----not about junior... Look what uptown did to Barboza forty years ago.....went all the way to San Francisco to shut him up forever.
ReplyDeleteThat the Feds went after junior four times just shows that "brand" recognition carries an immense amount of weight, not just in advertising or sports or music but in prosecutors' minds too. Convicting junior would have been a huge boon for any ausa, only because of the surname......never mind that he was largely irrelevant and to the extent he ever was of import in mob circles, that had vanished long long before. Look I'm no fan of the mafia but that family....the Gottis.... utterly decimated the jewel in the crown of the American cosa nostra that was the Gambino family. Anyone who says otherwise is completely blind. Say what you will of Paul but you look at the Gambinos in Dec 1985 and flash forward less than a decade, and the whole family came crashing to the ground. All due to someone with that last name.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the Feds flat out thought junior was full of shit. Just because a guy proffers doesn't mean he'll get consideration for it.
ReplyDeleteNo, the govt went after a puffed up non entity like junior four times because federal prosecutors are grandiose, narcissistic, career driven self promoters and the Gotti name will always be the out recognizable mob related name ever, except maybe "Capone" and by the way look how those two clans destroyed their organizations.....
ReplyDeleteI agree, I read his book and I can't believe what the guy (alite) went through. I just can't get over that 302....gotti has no way to get around the fact that he cooperated with a prosecutor. But what I'm reading from others is correct, if he were considered a rat no way Carnesi would still rep him. Maybe he's just so far removed the gambino ' s don't care.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to testify in court to be a rat. What makes you think that?
ReplyDeleteListen Hawk I know what I'm talking about, after a mistrial was called a lot of the jurors hung around and they were interviewed now there were a lot of different charges so they were divided on all except on Alite being credible. The jurors that were interviewed said "we all agreed John Alite was the least credible and the most dispicible"
ReplyDeleteAll the other cooperators all had a different story than Alite. So he lied on the stand and was truthful in a book? That makes sense?
ReplyDeleteI guess you did. I guess it makes you feel better justifying why you became an official rat but what about a CI in 1991?what caused that? Oh wait...Jr?
ReplyDeleteI really don't care what jurors thought of Alite. Doesn't matter at all. The government had to go through a ton of hoops in order to find people so removed from the mob that they were able to sit on that jury. They hear Alite say "I shot tons of guys" and are repulsed, precisely because they don't know how the mob works. I talk to a dozen wiseguys who probably killed hundreds between them and it only means they were in the mob and did work for higher ups or whatever their particular case. That's why I say I don't care what jurors think about Alite. Doesn't mean a goddamn thing. Charlie Carneglia is serving life. Another case, a guy who couldn't afford a Carnesi and got put away forever.
ReplyDeleteThe one murder that Alite testified about in the Carneglia trial is the one that he got acquitted of.
ReplyDeleteJust saying...
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to stay out of this debate but one thing is for sure here, Jr should of never did the proffer session. There is no way around it a 302 is a 302
ReplyDeleteBottom line here is these 2 clowns are pissing in each others ass and making money off it and neither one is doing life for the lifes that they have taken off the street. Team america got played by both of them. George A made a couple bucks off Alites story and people like us keep reading and being objective about both books may be they sell more is.nt that the whole idea anyway. Get enough interest someone might wanna buy the rights for a B movie tops. Safe to say there life in the life is finished and there word on the street is just as trust worthy as it was when they were in the bussiness which was.nt worth much then either. Oh ya and its bussiness as usual for the Gambino family. As for these 2 they already embarassed there made family lets see how much longer they can embarass there family name there already on overtime. PHILLY
ReplyDeleteYour so correct AJ there.s no spinning that. Philly
ReplyDeleteLMFAO!!!!! you make no sense at all......go sit with your pal and enjoy your cheese ! you guys are a pack of rats !
ReplyDeleteHi Ed posted comment got lost some where philly about a hr ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious? Prior to Junior doing a proffer session with the Govt, What would he have thought if a co-defendant of his on a case, or anyone else for that matter, who decided to have a meeting with the Govt as part of their legal strategy??? I think it would be, " Do as I say, Not as I do" What a joke to even remotely believe that story!
ReplyDeleteThat makes no sense. Also Jr did this proffer before his first trial so by trial 2 and 3 common sense is that he wasn't a rat so now Alite is going to testify at trial 4, Jeez who is he kidding here? Is this a joke now on this page? Carnesi represented him 2,3,4 BUT he and Corozzo went to Alite and told him that Jr was a rat?? The govt said after trial 3 they were done but because Otto or whatever FBI agent got Alite they did number 4. It feels like to me it was the FBI who is the one who told Alite that Gotti was a rat. If Alite really saw Gotti's 302 and he was so close as he claims with Jr. he would have known it was a four or five page nothing as nothing added up so Alite has to really sit and fix his story up here.
ReplyDeleteHow can you say it doesn't matter what jurors thought of Alite? Isn't it the jurors who sit and decide the fate of the defendant? There were plenty of rats that were guilty of a lot more than Alite, they seemed to have believed Scars but Scars never said Jr had any drugs or murders under his belt and so since he also couldn't prove Jr had anything to do with the mob in years four sets of twelve jurors couldn't convict. Zuccaro and Alite had different stories, McMahon, Finerty, Scars, Deangelo, all had a different story than Alite, Scrars didn't mention a word about Alite until suddenly trial 4 he remembered there was a John Alite. As far as Carnesi if he even for a second thought Jr was a rat he would have never represented him let alone stand by him today.
ReplyDeleteWell that's why he is not a gangster any more. If you read his book he said he's not half the man his Father was. Said he took a plea went to jail knowing he was done with that life. His book was good, I the reader believed it. The other book by Alite, I couldn't get past the "No Gotti was interviewed during this writing" in my opinion it was bull and spiteful Gotti bashing. Gotti didn't attack Alite's family in his book and from I've been reading with alite's rants on other web pages Gotti could have! Alite's own brother and son don't talk to him and Gotti didn't say a word in his book about that , Alite also a very abusive person to his wife with cancer, ex wife and kids. The ex showed up in court to testify but got there late and the judge moved on. All reporters there that day in court knew that some even spoke to her.
ReplyDeleteFrankie you know what it's not even worth it. Anyone who believes Alite or blindly backs him is a fool. He's on the radio saying Gotti should ask his lawyer about him spreading the 302, saying Gotti didn't know Carnesi spread it. What a dweeb. First off, it would have been in alite's 302s, which Gotti had full access to, if it really happened. Alite is a total liar constantly contradicting himself. The worst part though is the shame he's bringing to his own children.
ReplyDeleteThe only way out of the mob is death or witsec. Period!!! If his status is shelved, then he is inactive, not out of the mob. And with that being said, most of the time that's a temporary status and when you're a friend, wise guy or whatever you want to call it, they own you forever. Next, I asked a question about the proffer session, nothing else. As far as Alite is concerned, this isn't about which team I'm on, because the answer is neither, and on an end note, I don't believe in anyone bashing peoples families or even bringing them up. This has nothing to do with families. I put a question out there that I was curious about and that"s it. Plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteHearsay a friend of mine doing life did a proffer and he was no rat it was part of a long term legal strategy and he was trying to get his co-defendant off and discredit the main witness in hopes the govt wouldn't use him. Co defendant did a proffer too, and it helped in long run because he won on appeal. Just because you do a proffer it doesn't mean you're a rat. People do them for all kinds of reasons.
ReplyDeleteTo "Sal" my new pal......
ReplyDeleteit's not hard to find me, pal. I know you're a phony. C'mon n kill me, I don't give a shit. My life is so great????? No, I don't have a wife or kids, either. I'm not a mob guy you jerkoff but I'm not a whimp either. C'mon. Go to one of the bulletin boards, find Pizza Head, he's apparently got my address. Come and kill me....
In fact if you succeed maybe my buddy will make a nice buck off sales off our book... Actually if you winged me, maybe we'd both benefit from the potential sales lift....
ReplyDeleteThis situation is a bit more complex then your average case, So I can't , in good conscience, put a label on anyone for sure. Also, I don't call anybody a rat without being a 1000% positive, I think that word and label is horrible jacket to put on anyone without being absolutely positive! Nowadays, You can't even beat a case without being called a rat, it's disgraceful! My question was I wonder how he would look at it, If it was someone else? I think that somewhere in the middle of all this, lies the truth. On one hand, it's never been ok to sit down with the Govt, but on the other, Nobody's gotten jammed up or indicted because of either. The whole subject brings up lots of questions that's for sure, but again, with his last name and all his cases, I'm sure it was a very difficult strategy legally and not so cut and dry.
ReplyDeleteWell I can put this label on Mr. Gotti--
ReplyDeleteHe went through FOUR trials, so obviously, he is not a rat.
Anyone who believes Alite's stories blindly is a fool. They are so easily discredited. Which is sad because I think he does genuinely want to help kids. But his lies-- his lies make that impossible.
In the end, the real losers here are Alite's kids.
Relax, You sound like you're gonna have a coronary over this. It seems like you're emotionally involved in this story.
ReplyDeleteI am more than relaxed. Just don't like liars and rats.
ReplyDeleteim from ozone park new all these guys a made guy does not meet with any type of law enforcement period
ReplyDeleteI obviously don't know as much as you about this situation, But,If what you're saying is true then I would agree with you. There is nothing worse than a lying rat!!!
ReplyDeleteHearsay listen to this clip from Frank Morano, it pretty much sums it up.
For some reason the link is not working? Can you repost it? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIf you know John can you tell him I'd like to hear his side -- I know it's a small blog but all the attention/comments this story is getting makes me feel like he might have someone on here..... can you email me Frankie at -- I don't know how else to reach the guy than hope someone who sounds like he knows him will tell him I am not posing here I am trying to communicate with him....
ReplyDeleteGo on Facebook and look up Frank Morano. On his page, the first link goes to his radio show. Go to the 2-15-2015 show and click the part of the broadcast labeled Geraldo-Alite.
ReplyDeleteI'll check it out...Thanks Chris!
ReplyDeleteEd you can contact Mr. Gotti's lawyer, Charles Carnesi. When you do make sure to mention you wrote a book with Dom Cicacle, said that Alite was a "warlord in a Brazilian prison" and called "Gotti pullers" "jokers."
ReplyDeleteNo problem. My pleasure.
ReplyDeleteI respect that you're giving John G an opportunity to defend himself and tell his side of the story. You can't ask for better than that. Hopefully that should put to rest anyone who misinterpreted you as being one sided. I knew you were a fair guy Ed.!
ReplyDeleteChris, I think what Ed said might have be misinterpreted. I don't believe he was attacking anyone intentionally, although it might have come off that way. As a guy who follows his blog, I think he's always been impartial and deserves the benefit of the doubt.
ReplyDeleteCharles Carnesi cross examined Dom Cicale.
ReplyDeleteHe also cross examined Alite and ripped him a new one. I doubt Gotti would be interviewed here, I mean, you never know, but Carnesi might just comment on the trials.
I tried already.....
ReplyDeleteChris do you have access to any of these guys? What I say in comments, see the About section....I monetized the comment section...etc.....
ReplyDeleteI don't really care what Carnesi thinks about me, Chris.
ReplyDeleteWhat did he lie about on the stand? I keep hearing this but don't believe it one jot. Alite talks to anyone -- John needs his lawyer and he needs to tilt the field in his favor before he'll talk. That's why I kinda know he'd never talk to me anyway... Overall though this is why I stopped commenting.....
ReplyDeleteBottom line here is I think comments are gonna be gone... LOL!! I deleted some comments just now because they mention someone who doesn't want to be named. Go start you're own blog if you feel so strongly about something. I'm so tired of this man on a mission crap.....
ReplyDeleteIt.s ur blog Ed print what u want when u want as long as u do ur homework its all good. Now u know why George A closes his comment section down alot of babysitting Lol Philly. Thanks for finding my other comment been the feature just kidding. Philly
ReplyDeleteGeorge A closes his comments cause Fat Angola Lutz calls him n tells him to when he and a few others don't like people's comments, I will say this to Ed, if you depend on advertising on here or plan to n you don't let people comment, your blog won't last, people will read your story n move on, these comments is what get people to come back, don't be like George A who actually lets outsiders dictate to him what he should do with his own blog.
ReplyDeleteNo lou i would.nt want Ed to do that either the comments are pretty good hear he screens it pretty well. The haters get shut down quick. As for Georges blog the borgesi.s and ligambi.s and lutz have others post shit so he shuts it dowm. There starving for conversation on the mob there but George won.t weed out the haters . As for Ed his sight is first class and fair. Philly
ReplyDeleteThese Boys are competing against one another in there second life. Life after the Mob and thurs nite in phila Alite talks about life as a former hit man and a plot to Kill Skinny Merlino is also mentioned on Eywitness news 3 with Walt Hunter at thurs nite news. This is how u sell books and get the most out of ur second life before the window closes. Should be interesting. Philly
ReplyDeleteI don't want to close comments. I want people to disagree if they choose to. But nobody has the right to use my trust and make me look like a fool, toss a guy unrelated to this story into my jackpot here (yes, I own it, it's my jackpot) then insult me, tell me off, stick that Carnesi up my ass of all people... I don't need people deliberately undermining me. He's posting videos I already link to. Radio shows etc. I let him do all that and he screws me, with a mouthpiece no less. I've talked to a lot of guys who have nothing to do with Alite and I know a hell of a lot more than I'll ever write here.... I know guys the "mob" tried to destroy. I met some of them. You think the historians in
ReplyDeletePeople see what they want to see. So I'm the only small blog that offers contrary opinion pieces and it's just too too much for some people to handle. Meanwhile the holy house of Gotti perpetuates. I get the death threats, I get the bullshit. People hate me no matter what I write. Then there's the fact that the more I learn about the mob the more it disgusts me. So what the hell am I doing here?
When Gotti's sister took a lie detector test about alite's allegations, Alite was asked to do the same and he refused. Why?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 100% Ed! You should delete anyone that comes at you personally on here, that's baby shit! Us going back n forth and making our comments is something people like.
ReplyDeleteBoth of them are rats. Only Alite is a bigger rat. Not for nothing Ed, but the next book you write, take the guy to get a better suit or put the mug shot on the cover. DC looks worse on that book cover than those mens wearhouse advertisements. I never thought I'd see the day that rats would become celebrities.
ReplyDeleteThis is not in defense of Junior, but a real street guy would never think "I couldn't flip fast enough." They either face the music like a man or lam it. Alite and Junior are a product of their generation and environment. It's hard to become a hard core street-wise gangster when you grow up in a warm house with a white picket fence and mommy is making pancakes. I really don't think it's possible. You can be a tough guy and give good beatings, but street smarts come from spending time on the city streets from your early youth, growing up in tenements where there is no backyard just the streets. The hard core old timers got that way, because they came up poor in cold water flats with no showers. Want a shower? Leave the apartment and walk to the public shower five blocks away in 15 degree weather. It does something to your mind and soul. People blame Gotti sr. for the demise of the mob which is true to some extent, but it's prosperity that destroyed the mob. Once you peak the only place to go is down.
ReplyDeleteThe only mistake Sr made was believeing what he read in the papers . As for ruining the Mob that was happening by the cycle of life with Old School mafioso dying off and killing there own leaving others in charged who weren.t schooled left to the void by rico statuets. He did make one mistake he shot that load in his hand instead of conceiving Philly
ReplyDeleteI have no clue. He's certainly willing to take one now.....
ReplyDeleteThanks, I really appreciate that....
ReplyDeleteSorry is alite really trying to say he was a warlord in a Brazilian prison?? Guys an irrelevant moron. I don't blame him to be fair. Can't go back to criminal life so he is trying to make a buck with his stories. He dealt direct with gotti senior? Gimme a break! Good luck to the guy and whoever believes him. Fictional guy.
ReplyDeleteYour exactly right. But it's what the organization is...a family. The guys aren't street tuffs...but if schooled from an early age the new generation could make decent wise guys. More than likely won't flip, but more times than not they are spoiled and NOT schooled from a young age and end up acting like junior. Look at all the next generation guys in philly...they took their prison stints like men with scarfo and with merlino, most getting out or are out. Philly may be an interesting place to watch....
ReplyDeleteSo get him to take one. ASAP. What is he waiting for?? I just read Jr's book and I have to admit (even though I'm a huge Gotti "fan" for lack of a better word) I did think a few times "come on Jr. You can't be THAT clean". However when it got to Alite and his testimony I found it hilarious how many times this guy tripped over himself. He was stuck in Brazil. More than likely broke. No one to help him and then the feds come and offer him a deal he can not refuse. Why wouldn't he lie and say what the feds wanted him to say if they were going to pull him out of there, as any rat would do? I think the fact that he couldn't be "made" into the "Life" got on top of him as well as his jealousy of Jr. He is a nobody and would always have been a nobody if he didn't have the Gotti name to use. In what world do we live in that a guy who murders, strangles women, abandons his family and beats his wife gets to sit up there and call somebody else a rat? They should have left that guy in Brazil. The thought also crosses my mind as to why this guy was let live for so long after he betrayed the people in this "Life"? I'm not for murder but it surprises me that he's still alive. Best of look with your stories Ed and I hope that someday you will learn to seperate FACT from FICTION.
ReplyDeleteFrankie, just because I testified against Jr. does not mean I dislike him in anyway shape or from. The Government asked me questions and I answered them truthfully, PERIOD.
ReplyDeleteI hope Jr. really learned his lesson about the "LIFE" and is truly disconnected from it God bless, but I know for a fact he is still receiving kickbacks from legal business owners. So it's only a matter of time the Government will be indicting him again. It would of been much wiser for him to leave New York all together.
ReplyDeleteThey need a guy like the old mayor Rizzo running that town and start taking back neighborhoods.
ReplyDeleteWord on the street in Brooklyn is that alite is a big phony and full of it.
ReplyDeleteWow I guess everyone has to decide what he is, now a rat gets kick backs? If he's a rat guess he doesn't have t worry about that, rats get away with everything.
ReplyDeleteThis coming from someone who is a member here.
ReplyDeleteLet him take one that his book wasn't full of lies. He smacked Genie Gotti around? Genie would have ate his eye balls, Carmine Agnello was afraid of him? Not one person on the planet Agnello was afraid of, Had an affair with V Gotti?? She couldn't stand Alite, and took a lie detector to prove it. Alite went with Gotti Sr in a car, Gotti Sr did NOT like Alite, he was never around him" Plenty of surveillance photos of Gotti Sr with Alite? NO there isn't one. He wrote about McMahon well that story is interesting since Mc Mahon would have been twelve years old at the time.TOO many lies to list on here in one post. It amazes me that unless you are a rat yourself you can cheer this piece of garbage on and believe one word that comes out of his mouth. I wouldn't get that rag free at the library.
ReplyDeleteHe had a group of guys on the force they called Rizzo.s shit kickers when they showed up and u were out of line u had big problems
Alite made his deal and is trying to profit from it period. Only him and Jr know the truth about who did what. Im not a fan of either one but Jr walked away from three trials and should be humble and thank the dear lord he is still alive. With that said these 2 feed off one another and don.t care enough about there real familys and the pain they put
ReplyDeletethere kids through and leave nothing but destruction and ruined lives behind for there quest to prove each other wrong no matter who it effects or destroys and this will be there down fall. Philly
I understand. But I've spoken to a lot of guys from Woodhaven, Howard Beach etc. who don't believe that. I'm posting a story today about one of them.....
ReplyDeleteWhich one? You deserve a feature.
ReplyDeletePeople who insult me or other commenters will get blocked. It has nothing to do with your opinion. I believe everyone has a right to respond to what I write.
ReplyDeleteHe isn't taking one alone. Junior takes one he'll take one. But I will ask him.
ReplyDeleteI'm going on record here: Philly is my friend and if you insult him (I realize you're not, anonymous, but you're kind of insulting me; your borderline) it's grounds for immediate blacklisting.
ReplyDeleteAs I've said a hundred times please observe basic manners. I'm never at a loss for topics to cover. I cover something it's because I choose to.
Great post hope u got the kid thing rite everything
ReplyDeleteelse is the truth something the Gotti.s Alites and the Mob hate to here. Sounds like u beat to ur own drum
like the part about bitch slaping Gene one on one most these made guys can.t rockin roll with there hands they
would get embarassed. Again great post Philly
I agree with a lot of that. My father's and grandfather's generations were tough bastards. I don't know how old you are Old School so don't know which gen you are. But my grandfather's gen, the one that lived through the Depression, fought Hitler etc. are tough bastards, strong inner constitutions. My father's gen fought in Vietnam. I'm in my forties. I'd say the problems started with my generation and progressively got worse LOL!
ReplyDeleteThere are guys who faced life, who were arrested, lied to, threatened, charged with a murder the authorities knew they didn't commit, faced trial, a life sentence.there are goods who stood up faced them full on and won. Not guilty. I spoke to one of them and I'm doing a story about him. Was he a made guy, a capo? No. He was what you'd call a low level associate. In fact this is one of the guys Alite actually shot.
ReplyDeleteIm good cuz. lol Philly
ReplyDeleteSame here pal got ur back would.nt have it any other way
Some guys have the info problem is no matter
ReplyDeletehow much u rehearse when the bright lights come on
some guys can.t step to the plate. They can.t sell it to the Jurors and Alite even though he had the info he could.nt sell it. Bent finger Lou Montecello' Frankie the fixer during the Ligambi trial some people just choke when time to shine Alite was one who the jury didn.t believe the lawyers beat him up and he was intimidated he was out of his elemen it happens. PHILLY
Thanks man! They don't realize I have data.... the "bullshit" is generating triple my usual traffic volume. Look at the sheer number of comments alone on all the "bullshit" stories.
ReplyDeleteHe's on here, he posts why didn't he take a lie detector test when she took one??
ReplyDeletehey ed I like the new story you just wrote
ReplyDeleteFuck the proffer 302 of Jr gotti ... If he was a rat he would have put people in jail and wouldn't have went on trial 4 times end of story.. Alite just trying to justify that he became a rat..he tried the food Jr in jail and he put Charlie in jail.. Let see his 302!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree
ReplyDeletewho were some of the other cooperators ?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ed.
ReplyDeleteGot mine free at the library. lol
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting theory. I'm not saying it's right, but Alite does come off well when not being challenged-- but the minute Geraldo Rivera asked him if he was a "snitch" or a "rat" he bobbed and weaved and tripped over himself, contradicting himself throughout the interview.
ReplyDeleteAs for Jr. being "clean"... I think it was more a matter of him not wanting to incriminate himself or others (because he's not a rat!!) lol. Guy battled through numerous trials, I don't see how people can question him (and I'm not saying YOU are, just speaking generally).
ReplyDeleteAll the guy wanted was to be with family but Alite dragged him out-- my money is on Gotti when the fight is over.
Just for clarification to anyone here who cares, for the record, whatever-- I apologized to Ed for insulting him and we spoke and we are still friends.
ReplyDeletePeople hate on him, but you know what? He keeps the readers coming back.
Name one lie in Anastasia's book. I KNOW Alite did things for Senior. Alite went down to Florida with Senior and know what Senior told him? "Don't tell my son." Then Alite was in an embarrassing position....
ReplyDeleteAnd believe it or not John Gotti Sr. was a mortal man. People actually saw him talk on a payphone. He was surrounded by guys when he went to court -- but honestly I don't think he walked around everywhere hiding behind an entourage. More Junior's style.
And if you think this has anything to do with Dominick Cicale, I just lost all respect for you.
Alite did shoot his cousin. Nicky. They did amputate his leg. Fact