When Is It Time to Pull the Plug?

Why do I write this blog? I have been asking myself that for some time now, truth be told. I love to write, have a deep interest in the mob. It seemed to make sense at the time... but I think, what if I had put all that time and effort into writing a novel or screenplay -- some kind of property I could try to sell. Instead I find myself a dartboard; any anonymous idiot can fling a dart at me, insult me, attack the messanger and not the message. What annoys me are the anonymous comments written by those who I believe I can identify... then I feel betrayal ... I don't know... this may well be the last post ever to appear on this blog. I don't know... Maybe not. Blogging is a compulsion -- almost an addiction, I guess you could say. So maybe I won't be able to stop. Guess we shall find out...

Actually, I made my decision...

Please click the "continued" link...


OK - a couple of you figured me out! But to the rest of you, thank you so much for your considerate comments...

You keep reading, I'll keep writing.

Scroll down, enjoy my little collage....
see if you can name every wiseguy on this page (I only "cheated" once.)

"This life of ours... this is a wonderful life...
If you can get through life like this and get away with it, hey, that's great.
But it's very, very unpredictable. There are so many ways you can screw it up..."
--Paul "Big Paul" Castellano


  1. I love this blog, keep on writing. It's where I get my latest LCN news

  2. You do a great job so don't let a few cowards get you down. Thanks for all the great work, I hope you keep going..........Anthony from the Bronx

  3. My friend. I tell you in public what I told you already in private: If ´they´ don´t have the balls to tell things to your face, you should not give a flying fuck. In my many years of living the neapolitan version of ´the life´, one has to learn to grow a very thick skin, not everybody would love you and some would hate u. The anoymous comments that attack you are....una merda, povera testa di cazzo x il solo fatto che hai lasciato un commento cosi...squallido.

    You have my support my friend, if they attack you, they attack me. Whatever you need. Comunque i napoletani sono proprio così, hanno un' ospitalità unica nel loro genere. Ti aiutano senza chiedere nulla in cambio, sò de core.

  4. bro...keep it up...unlessm your in danger from writing these blogs......i think you do a great job..there will be always the gutless and spineless people out there....fuckem...

  5. Replies
    1. You, Damian, and a fellow who emailed me on gmail figured out my gag -- good work! Shoot me an email for a free copy of my ebook if you'd like one...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you, I'd love a copy! I don't know how to contact you directly so I will just give you my email here, it is drm445@gmail.com. Thanks again. I am an avid reader.

    4. Just give me time to update and expand it -- anyone else interested? Just let me know!!

    5. Awesome! That made my day. I have a huge library full of mafia biographies and (sadly, omerta rip) autobiographies. I love reading about it.

    6. Didn't forget about the ebook! I am still editing it, choosing what to include and what not to. Eventually I am going to sell a version on Amazon -- I hope all my "fans" will support me and leave lotsa positive feedback!

  6. @Damian Malgeri. Since I´m the ´ zip ´ here and english is not my first language, ma que cazzo e´cuesta cosa ´April Fool´s? Cand you explain to me? Grazie.

  7. you should keep writing i enjoy writing it is someday you do well keep up the good work buona fortuna

    @charles Delucca I hope you write a article soon

    1. Soon it will be done. Thank you very much for reading Don Tano

  8. @ Charles de Lucca- April Fools is an American tradition where every April 1st we play pranks on each other. It is all in good fun but sometimes people forget what day it is and they get fooled.Mi scuso per la confusione. Mi piace leggere i vostri articoli.

    1. A´capi ..... e una tradizione americana...... non abbiamo capito. I thought April´s Fool was the person bothering my friend Ed. I was thinking how to get this person (Ápril Foolp ) and talk to it.
      Grazie, state buounno.

    2. Charles -- you are a true friend! Sorry, I haven't been online since my little April Fool's joke, or I would've explained it to you ... thanks, Damian, for explaining to my good friend.

  9. You're blog (and sense of humor) is enjoyable. One question though.. in your collage everyone from Luciano to Whitey Bulger and the fictitious Tony Soprano is featured, yet no pic of Raymond Patriarca? Is there any particular reason why not? Just curious.

    1. Thanks, anon -- as for Patriarca, it was just an oversight... I can't fit everyone! But take a peek, I did add someone else...

  10. I was driving by, noticed you added RPatriarca to your lineup, scrolled to leave you a comment and forgot I left one earlier!! I have to say I'm glad this was an April Fools prank..I just recently discovered your blogspot-you are one of two bloggers I enjoy reading out of how many?? Tess

    1. I am on FB - Ed Scarpo - send a friend request...

    2. Is my blog on a billboard? You said "driving by" when you noticed this post... You don't text and drive, do you? Naughty-naughty...LOL! Bad car accidents happen like that-my firm reps people who get hurt by people who read thisiPad while driving and smash into them from behind!

  11. Did you add St.Laurent..can't figure out how to cheat without downright asking

  12. Of course I don't text & drive! What "driving by" means is just a quick post. Friend request on the way.. thank you.

  13. Keep the blog going. I wouldn't know what to do on Monday and Thursday (my blog reading mornings) without it.

    Good April Fool's joke, too.


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