Shameless Self Promotion -- One-year-old Cosa Nostra News Surpasses Quarter Million Hits!

I'd like to thank our readers, the New York Daily News (for crucial early support), as well as Mob Candy's Uncle Frank for letting me bolster my credibility as the sole owner/operator of this site by writing articles for his great magazine, which all Mafia aficianados should be reading!

(Hey Frank, how about those contributor's copies for the Massino and Burke stories I wrote?)

My goal is to ramp-up pageviews by providing more exclusive content. Maybe 2012 will be the year I manage to pull off... well, something. We will certainly keep you good people informed. And, please! Keep the comments coming! I only have feedback (and Google Analytics) to make sure I understand the types of stories you all prefer to read.

Thanks again!
or Ed. L.
or maybe I'll dust off my old nickname: "Fast Eddie"
PS: Turns out, I did do a little dusting, as you'll all notice...
