Would-be Mafia Turncoat Found Dead in Hotel Room

"Nicky Skins" may have committed
suicide over switching sides -- cops
allege he may have took a witness
with him.
From NY Daily News:

A guilt-ridden mob rat set to testify for the feds turned tail and killed himself — two days after he reportedly settled a grudge with a gun.

The suicide of Gambino wiseguy Nicholas (Nicky Skins) Stefanelli has the FBI and the mob in a tizzy, sources said.

“All five families are scurrying for the hills” after revelations he had been wearing a wire for at least two years, one source told the Daily News.
Stefanelli, 69, was found dead in a New Jersey hotel room on Feb. 26. The cause has not been announced, and authorities refused to comment, but several sources said he took his own life.

"My brother found him,” said his daughter, Francine Stefanelli. They were supposed to go to breakfast together. “As far as I know, my father had a heart attack,” she said. “He had a very bad heart.”;
Insiders say a change of heart was to blame.

Stefanelli — who operated in New Jersey but reported to the crew run by jailed New York capo Nicholas (Little Nicky) Corozzo — secretly taped countless cronies, a source said.

He had been caught in a drug-dealing operation with his son and decided to cooperate to get his kid off the hook, the [PPV] website Ganglandnews.com reported. ...

Read complete article: Sources say Gambino wiseguy Nicholas (Nicky Skins) Stefanelli's death is a suicide - NY Daily News


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