CopsPlusKids Youth Center Set to Launch

Former NYPD law enforcement personnel and Goodfellas4God Minister Glenn P.Hovater are founding a new youth outreach program, to be called CopsPlusKids.It is described as being similar to a program in New York that is built around boxing.

"We our soliciting support in our efforts to have a facility that can direct our youth in the right direction so they can become valuable citizens of the community," they say in a press release.

"We are currently working with law enforcement for creating a bond between the youth and police in order to obtain trust and respect for one another."

G4G Minister Glenn Hovater is a
co-founder of CopsPlusKids.
A proposed facility will house the CopsPlusKids Youth Center, which is planned to be located at 9521 Lakeshore Blvd. in Mentor, Ohio.

The program is set to include counselors, advisers, pastors, ministers, consultants and facilitators. Anyone is interested in playing a part in this endeavor, the group can be reached at

"We are especially looking for law enforcement officials to get involved. If you have any suggestions to help achieve our goal please contact us at the above email address."


  1. This will be a program along the lines of a police athletic league as
    like N.Y.C. has
    To work with kids and encourage them to take the right path in life to become responsible law biding citizens

    Pray for this center in Ohio to become a reality

    We would like to get more law enforcement involved in our area


  2. I pray that this center is a success.
    The suburbs even need places for the youth to go and meet the people involved in law enforcement to be directed and counceled to learn that crime is the wrong road to take.
    Crime is not exclusive to the inner city.


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