Oprah Opens Mysterious Safe but Saves Results for TV Special

As we wrote about in an earlier post, Secret 'Mafia' Safe Found in Tahoe Casino May Be Opened on Oprah Show, that mysterious safe hidden behind a wall inside Bill's Casino finally has been opened -- and the adventure was indeed filmed by Oprah's people for a TV special. So no one knows what's inside, still, accept for Oprah and her minions.

"There was a slight possibility that the safe was Mafia-connected—as the suspected owner of the safe (and previous owner of the casino) was killed in a car explosion, dripping with Martin Scorcese plot lines," reports Gizmodo.

"However, police were on site as the safe was opened and concluded that there wasn't anything inside worth launching an investigation about."

Read the article: That Mysterious, Possibly Mafia-Connected Safe Has Been Opened But Only Oprah Knows What's Inside.
